2013-11-15 (Link to original article in title below)
U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!
U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!
As more people became dissatisfied with federal government controls and
land grabs, it was inevitable that local law enforcement would
eventually see the bigger picture.
At the northern California fairgrounds of Yreka last month, seven California sheriffs and another from Oregon gathered with a large group of citizens to say that they are finally going to do something about it.
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Kane County Sheriff Lamont Smith, right, comforts Shawna Harris and her daughters Kirsten, 14, and Kristina, 10, on Wednesday. State legislators held a moment of silence Wednesday for three Utah Sheriff officers killed in the line of duty last year.
Laura Seitz, Deseret News
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He received the loudest and longest applause for his candor in confessing past faults after apologizing for not understanding the central government assault and land grab being committed against the people and what he should have been doing about it.
Only in the past year has he done a turnaround and begun to behave as a county sheriff instead of an extension of federal law enforcement.
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“I had spent a good part of my life enforcing the penal code, but not
understanding my oath of office,” he told the audience. “I was ignorant
and naïve, but now I know of the assault against our people by the
federal government.”
His plans to take this movement national will be launched at a January meeting, where he anticipates 200 sheriffs will be in attendance.
He told AFP:

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Later he told the audience, “We are right now in a fight for our survival.”Glenn Palmer, sheriff of Grant County, Oregon, said, “If an elected official has not taken an oath of office, he does not belong in office.” AFP readers are familiar with the work of former Arizona Sheriff Richard Mack, who has spent the latter half of his life teaching sheriffs that they are the top law enforcement officers in their counties despite continuing federal intervention attempts.
The ears that were deaf for so long may finally be starting to hear.

The Thin Blue Line against tyranny…..Leon County Sheriff’s SWAT team
members are learning new techniques to combat threats against their
State of Florida.
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His plans to take this movement national will be launched at a January meeting, where he anticipates 200 sheriffs will be in attendance.
Retired USAF Col. Richard Niemela of Reston, Va. has been exposing the federal monster for years.“The county sheriff is the last line of defense guarding our people’s liberty,” he said.
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He told AFP:
“It’s the surreptitious domination by international globalists insidiously using unauthorized and illegal tactics to render null and void those historic and unique powers of the sheriff.”American Free Press
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