I wouldn't trust either Francis or Peres ... but no one has asked my opinion. Israel has no friends in the world. This is a prelude to false peace. This is prophecy coming to fruition. CMR
Pope Francis: Breaking New Ground in Jewish-Catholic Relations (2994)
The Holy Father’s friendships and strong tradition of dialogue with Jewish leaders are already having an impact, building on the foundation provided by previous popes.
by PETER JESSERER SMITH 11/08/2013 Comments (1)

President Shimon Peres of Israel meets with Pope Francis at the Vatican on April 30.
– Vatican Radio/Facebook
NEW YORK — The bonds between Jews and Catholics have never been stronger in the Church’s 2,000-year history, but some Jewish leaders say that, with Pope Francis, the best is about to get even better.
Blessed Pope John XXIII reset Catholic-Jewish relations in the 1960s, seeking to reconcile the grievances of the past, in which Catholics had treated Jews less like beloved brothers and more like strangers — or worse, as enemies. The Church approved that outreach in 1965 at the Second Vatican Council with the document Nostra Aetate, and Popes Paul VI, Blessed John Paul II and Benedict XVI all continued efforts to deepen those relations.
But Pope Francis’ pontificate represents a new chapter of deeper understanding and friendship between Jews and Catholics.
“Pope Francis has very close personal friends from his days as cardinal who are rabbis, who are leaders in the Jewish community,” said Menachem Rosensaft, general counsel for the World Jewish Congress (WSJ). “The dialogue and the relationship have been unprecedented in terms of warmth and closeness.”
Rosensaft said the Pope’s relationship with Jews in Buenos Aires reveals “a totally new model that we’ve never seen before.”
“The relationship is not a formal or intellectual one. But in addition to being intellectual, or symbolic, it is also heartfelt and intuitive,” he said. “That makes a tremendous difference.”