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We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. Likewise, the voice of reason has fled humankind. For these reasons the following essay will be quite difficult for many to understand or believe or imbibe.
My readers know that I've been a believer in PX (under many other names) for several years and have never wavered from my belief that it is linked to the Rapture. Nor do I waver now. We shall see. And very soon. There is one short video plus two important articles below.
The BIGGEST Coverup in USA History
What Obama and NASA don’t want you to know!
*Re-posted with permission from CCRG @ cosmicconvergence.org

We live in a time when common sense has become quite rare. Likewise, the voice of reason has fled humankind. For these reasons the following essay will be quite difficult for many to understand or believe or imbibe.
If you were running the world during these tumultuous times, and you knew that events were on the horizon which would forever alter the entire planetary civilization, would you use the global mainstream media to tell everyone?
If those earth-shattering events were as unstoppable as they were fateful, would you disseminate this information?
If your answer is “Yes”, what will the 7 billion plus people who reside on Planet Earth do the next day? That is, after you tell them that their world is about to come to an end.
Will they still go to work?
Will they continue to support the Consumer Society?
Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?Herein lies the challenge that is faced by the World Shadow Government (WSG).
Will they still go to work?
Will they continue to support the Consumer Society?
Will many of them even want to get out of bed again after they hear what is coming?Herein lies the challenge that is faced by the World Shadow Government (WSG).
Bear in mind that they know exactly what is around the corner. Their strategically-located observatories and high-powered telescopes give them access to scientific data and astronomical phenomena which is so compelling they feel they have no alternative but to:
• distract us
• deceive us
• divert our attention

Remember, there is one thing — more than anything else — which the WSG fears.
• distract us
• deceive us
• divert our attention

Remember, there is one thing — more than anything else — which the WSG fears.
That is uncontrolled chaos.
They know—> that real mayhem in the streets will not treat them well.
Therefore, spontaneous social pandemonium is their greatest worry.
Unpredictable political paroxysms strike fear into their hearts.
Uncontrollable financial volatility will only serve to shatter their control matrix.
They know—> that real mayhem in the streets will not treat them well.
Therefore, spontaneous social pandemonium is their greatest worry.
Unpredictable political paroxysms strike fear into their hearts.
Uncontrollable financial volatility will only serve to shatter their control matrix.
With this understanding one can better comprehend the many unreasonable and irrational, mindless and foolish, crazy and insane actions taken by the World Shadow Government. Obviously they know that their time is up. Accordingly, they have less and less control – by the day – over how things will play out.
Yes, they may have a Plan A, a Plan B, and a Plan C. However, there are many emerging eventualities over which they have far less influence than what they are used to. Their bunkers buried deep underground may not be in the protected areas they once thought. Nor are their off-planet rendezvous sites as safe from solar system calamities as they once believed. Of course their experiments with time travel and interstellar travel, wormholes and parallel universes, blank slate technology and invisibility cloaking have already proveddisastrous.
Before we continue to address the unfoldment of their master plan, and how it is thwarted at every turn, exactly what is it that the WSG is so concerned about? Does something lurk in the far reaches of the Solar System which has their undivided attention? You be the judge!
The following video may be one of the most revealing you will ever watch.
It also informs as to why there are so many desperate moves being made at the very top; the pervasive institutional madness somehow becomes fathomable.
It also informs as to why there are so many desperate moves being made at the very top; the pervasive institutional madness somehow becomes fathomable.