supposed to have converted to faith in "Jesus", has been corrupted to use the
word "allah" for God, and ''Isa" for Jesus.
Neither the name of the sun, nor the moon-god, should be
used. Elohim Israel is a plural God, The God of the Hebrews.
Christian media has been silent in regards to new "Muslim-friendly Bibles". But
one American media has sounded the alarm about the corrupt modern "bible
is what has been reported:
includes the the controversial development is the removal of any references to
God as “Father,” to Jesus as the “Son” or “the Son of God.” One example of such
a change can be seen in an Arabic version of the Gospel of Matthew produced and
promoted by Frontiers and SIL. It changes Matthew 28:19 from this:
them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit”
them by water in the name of Allah, his Messiah and his Holy Spirit.”
large number of such Muslim-sensitive translations already are published and
well-circulated in several Muslim-majority nations such as Bangladesh, Indonesia
and Malaysia.
to Joshua Lingel of i2 Ministries,
more dramatic a change is the Arabic and Bangla (Bangladesh) translations. In
Arabic, Bible translations err by translating ‘Father’ as ‘Lord.’ ‘Guardian.’
‘Most High’ and ‘God.” In Bangla, ‘Son of God’ is mistranslated ‘Messiah of God’
consistent with the Quran’s Isa al-Masih (Jesus the Messiah), which references
the merely human Jesus.”
billion Muslims use the singular word "allah" for "god". This word has
its origin in pre-Islamic Saudi Arabia as the expression of the Arabian
"moon god".
the word "allah" has entered into claimed to be "Christian" bibles.
Under the pretext that 'allah" is the unified Arabian word for God.
Such Bibles has been made to make it easier for Arabs, in particular Muslims, to
understand who "god" is.
word "allah" is singular. The Hebraic word "Elohim" is plural.
Even linguistic, these "gods" are not the same deity.
you mix "allah" with the Arabian word for the Messiah, "Esa"
or "Isa", the falsehood becomes more obvious. Because "Esa" is
a created being, and has never been divine. He is not the Son of God, but a
cults, who claim to be "Christian" claims that Arabs use the word
"allah" for God, understanding this "god" to be the God of the
Hebrews. Be aware that there must be very few who support this view. And such
claims can surely lead us into massive confusion.
truth is that the Pre-Islamic Arab cultures never had a unified word for
"god". The first Christian Church in Arabia, was the Coptic Church in
Egypt, established 500 years before the birth of Muhammed. The Coptic word for
God, is “papnoute”. Or simply “noute”.
The Berber community in Libya, used the word
“Amanai” for God.
ancient Yemen, 700 B.C, the moon-god was named Almaqah. A stone
tablet found, is mentioning five South Arabian “gods”. So “allah” must
have entered this area later, as “the god”. A New Age “god”.
Neither the God of the Hebrews, nor the ancient “god” of the Arabs. The Arabs
submitted by force to use "allah"
were no unified Arabian use of a Word for “God”, prior to the Islamic
area, that started 620 A.D. It looks like it was Islam that forcefully united
Arab merchants, Arab tribal people and Assyrians around the use of “allah”. By
the use of the sword.
not accept this modern falsehood, a bid to make "peace" with Arabs in
the name of "allah".
by Ivar