World Council of Churches (WCC) pray 'god" will divide Jerusalem ."World Week for Peace in Palestine Israel" will go on from 22nd of September.
False Christians wants the Old City of Jerusalem back under Islamic occupation.
False Christians wants the Old City of Jerusalem back under Islamic occupation.
This is recoded on the website of the WCC:
This annual observance of a week of prayer, education, and advocacy calls participants to work for an end to the illegal occupation of Palestine, so that Palestinians and Israelis can finally live in peace. It has been more than 64 years since the partition of Palestine hardened into a permanent nightmare for Palestinians. It is now more than 45 years since the occupation of East Jerusalem, the West Bank and Gaza overwhelmed the peaceful vision of one land, two peoples.
Source: WCC.
My comment:
World Council of Churches claim to represent 500 million protestant Christians world wide. That is why we need to warn the World, that this is a movement of false Christianity.
The latest "peace week" is yet another example. Let us take a deeper look at their Replacement theology, and expressed antisemitism.
1. "An end to the illegal occupation of Palestine".
When you claim that Israel is an "occupying force", you need to explain what areas are "occupied".
Is Haifa occupied?
Is Jerusalem occupied?
Is the Biblical heartland, the mountains of Zion occupied?
If you claim that the Jews has occupied Zion, you side with the worldview of Islam, introduced in 640 A.D. And you willfully delete 3.000 years of Jewish links to Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria.
2. "So that Palestinians and Israelis can finally live in peace".
If Israel divide Jerusalem, there will surely be no peace. Because last time Islamic forces occupied East Jerusalem from 1948 to 1967, the military forces of Jordan destroyed all the synagogues in the Old city.
3. "It has been more than 64 years since the partition of Palestine hardened into a permanent nightmare for Palestinians".
The Arabs who suffer because of the partition, suffer because of the Arabian refusal to grant them citizenship in Egypt, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan. There were almost 900.000 Jewish refugees, exiled from Islamic nations in the years 1948 to 1952. Israel granted them citizenship, brought an end to their "nightmare". To let Muslim overrun the borders of Israel, will bring their nightmare back.
4. "It is now more than 45 years since the occupation of East Jerusalem".
This claim is built on a falsification of history. 45 years ago, East Jerusalem was liberated from occupation, and Islamic despotism. The city of Jerusalem is the capital of free and liberated Israel. It is united, and shall never again be divided.
The problem with the rhetoric and political agenda of the WCC, is that the name of Jesus the Messiah is mocked and defamed among the Jews. Lies is presented as truth, by people who claim to be "Christians".
It has been like this since the introduction of Replacement theology in Rome 1600 years ago. Nothing has changed. This ideology is not from God of the Bible, but has its origin in the bottomless pit.
If you what to escape the coming judgment, you need to renounce this evil, done in the name of "Jesus".
Written by Ivar