
Monday, March 5, 2012

The Military Deception: From The Frying Pan Into The Fire

Just a very brief word of warning to those who are in, or have loved ones in, the U.S. Military. Any branch.

As we know, the greedy of the world, the thieves and crooks - those at the heads of the NWO governments and corporations - are the ones who control the militaries of the world. 

The major military force in the world is the United States.

Many resignations and arrests of these crooked government leaders, politicians and bureaucrats are in the process of occurring. You will be hearing about them in the days and weeks to come. These revelations will be beyond shocking. Things will be happening at stunning speed in all arenas - government, finance, everything. The very halls of power will be emptied, to be filled with new people. The entire system will collapse.

These new people will be very dangerous, although the vast majority of people will not recognize this. These new people will say they want to help us, to save us. By what means? Be re-establishing our republic. By going back to common law, back to the Constitution, back to everything we cherish. Or so they would have us think.

This will be the ultimate deception, although there will be others to come. Don't fall for it.

Right now, and in the days to come, these new people are/will be talking to the military personnel, who will be let in on the secret they have not known - that they have been working for the evil New World Order leaders. This is true. They will be told they have been conned - lied to. This, too, is true.They will also be told that these leaders are being taken down. This also is true. Most people in the military will be in a state of shock (as will the public). 

But then - when these soldiers are in their most vulnerable psychological (and spiritual) positions, at their lowest possible morale, they will be told not to worry - that the new leaders want to go back to what this country once was, and that they can't do it without the help of the military. They need their patriotic help for the sake of the nation and the people. This, too, is true.

So what part of this is not true? Where is the deception?

The deception is that these new leaders are satanic. They are Satan's people - the forces of the Antichrist. They have controlled the top leadership of the military for some time.

These are the bare bones of what is happening. Very, very few people know about, or will understand, this deception. It's a busy world with lots of problems. Most people simply have no time to find out about these things - and that is the very thing the Antichrist leaders are counting on.

The Bible says the deceptions of the end times will be so convincing and so duplicitous that if it were possible even the very elect would be deceived. Imagine the chances that the rest of the people have of recognizing this.

All I can do is warn people. That is apparently the task that has been given to me. But, I am one lone voice. And an insignificant one, at that.

The rest is up to you, dear reader.