
Friday, March 2, 2012

Between The Devil And The Returning Rock - Part 4


NOTE: Regarding the "10 Kings" Chart in Part 3, I noticed that the list of the ten was very similar to the one at, one of my favorite sites. The list they use originally came from the Club of Rome, and has been coordinated and updated with information from the DOD. These are the 10 Super Nations (they don't list the Vatican) they list:
  1. North America [N.A.F.T.A.]
  2. Western Europe
  3. Japan
  4. Australia, South Africa, and the rest of the market-economy of the developed world.
  5. Eastern Europe, including Russia
  6. Latin America
  7. North Africa and the Middle East
  8. Tropical Africa
  9. South and Southeast Asia
  10. China

Finally, our review of the literary revealed to us a paucity of serious discussion about Annunaki penetration of earthly political, economic, military, religious, social and intelligence structures. To us, the main concern about aliens on Earth seemed to be the presence of multiple groups whose origin, biologic typing, biophysical characteristics, and exopolitical objectives spanned a wide range of issues, most of them given mythical, speculative and hypothetical treatments.

As to the Annunaki, Sitchin’s last earthbound Annunaki book pertinent to our understanding of the bases for their policies in these End Times came out In 1998. Of all of his books, only a portion of the last chapter of his Genesis Revisited (Sitchin 1990) is useful in the decipherment of possible and probable exopolitical Annunaki earthbound policies. 

Why is it? Was he approached by elements from the grid we are suggesting in this essay and told to not go any further on the Annunaki presence on Earth in the late 20th century? It is quite possible, as we have sent emails to his son Eric concerning these questions but have yet to receive replies. So, in the absence of any public domain documentation focusing directly on our final concern in this essay, we are again forced to piece together what we consider to be an educated, albeit speculative, mosaic of probable policies for the earthbound Annunaki – in particular, for Marduk who, as Turnage (1998, personal communication) had once said, “must now once again face his real nemesis, Nannar, and not just the King’s warrior, Ninurta.” 

What, then, would be driving earthbound Annunaki policies implemented and enforced by the subservient, sub-rosa metastructure of networks at Levels 1, 2, 3, and 4, as identified in Figure 3? And, specifically, why these policies? In considering these questions, we must walk in their moccasins to grasp the circumstances driving his (and their) choices; we also have to take into consideration the probable policies and imperatives of the incoming Kingdom. And last, but definitely not least, we must examine the probable scenarios which will evolve as consequences of present course of events and current levels of control and influence over the population of the planet by the aforementioned grid. The last two sets are beyond the scope of this essay.


We share, with others, that the driving force behind probable Annunaki policies in the 21st century is Marduk, and his bipolar objectives: to increase his numbers, and to delay the inevitable confrontation with the newly appointed EN.KI-equivalent returning on the incoming (One 2004, Two 2004, Nine 2005, Eleven 2006). Our current intelligence on Marduk is that he is what could best be described as a generalist in terms of education and training originally conducted by his father, the EN.KI., while in Egypt quite probably during the first two Annunaki (or divine) pharaohs (Pta [the EN.KI. himself] and Ra [Marduk]).

Lacking the profound knowledge of the Tree of Life (consisting of biology, biotechnology and bioenergetics) given by the EN.KI. to Ningishzidda, Marduk very likely had to do with what biotechnical wherewithal he could find among his rank and file to advance his cause on Earth. What would be his primary concern vis-à-vis the forces of the incoming Kingdom? Numbers! More specifically, the number of Annunaki in his ranks. Tactically and strategically speaking, we suspect that he is realizing, or has arrived at, a limitation of range and reach, given the Annunaki numbers (reportedly to be in the 330 range) available under his command. 

We know from tertiary sources who once served in special operations of high above black SCIs that Annunaki targets had been sanctioned in the past, and more than one had perished at the cross hair of snipers of unknown source control. So it is not surprising to learn they now work in pairs, whenever appearing in the open (e.g., US military installations), nor unexpected to learn that the Department of Defense is implementing plans to increase the number of special operation forces and placing them under a centralized command structure (though the reasons circulated had to do with the new definition of the new model of a more “highly mobile and responsive force” reportedly being pushed currently by Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld). [Remember that this report is 7-8 years old.]

An Outline of the Probable Consequences of the “Increased Numbers” Annunaki Priority

When we learned from One, Two, Nine, and Eleven that Marduk and his Annunaki cohort considered increasing their numbers on Earth, we asked ourselves what policies and programs would this translate into, and what would be the consequences to humankind from our collective viewpoint. Furthermore, what weaponry would come off from their push of this priority upon their minions?

     As we proceeded with our reasoning, we also asked ourselves just what would be reasons powerful enough for Marduk to invest time, resources and political capital in developing the means to increase Annunaki numbers loyal to him on Earth. We undertook the “walk in his moccasins” exercise we devised for the occasion, and began to look at the exopolitical landscape from his point of view. 

The man sits atop a highly volatile network of organizations that must require expenditure of time, manipulation, control, command and sensitivity to real-time intelligence to maintain hegemony over ten satraps. In spite of his millennia of experience with lulu (human) shepherds, there is the inescapable reality of normal, traditional political manipulation and cajoling to get his program underway and moving forward on target. This would mean a rather complex and hierarchical system of rewards and punishments based on fear, retribution, regal attention, and access. It would also mean a system of gatekeepers and consequence managers, who would implicitly carry out the supreme leader’s will and programs, unquestioningly and faithfully. This, we now have strong reasons to believe, is the primary function of his so-called “kings of the world.” In this regard, there is also a considerable ego-factor which, according to Nine and Eleven, would allow him to eventually crown himself king of kings.

As we began to explore this issue, we realized that besides their reduced numbers, the earthbound Annunaki faced a corollary problem: too many lulus on Earth! If the EN.LIL (lord of the command) made the decision in council not to make humans aware of the impending flood some 12,800 years ago (Sitchin 1976, 1990; Allan and Delair 1997, 1994), the excess human population on Earth in these end times would have to be disposed of by other means – war, pestilence, hunger, disease, drugs, etc. [Sounds vaguely familiar….]
Even a cursory review of van der Reijden’s work shows that many of the organizations listed by him as being engaged in sub-rosa work are devoted to the destabilization and self-destruction of institutions, duly constituted governments, and entire peoples of Earth. In itself, this constitutes another complex field of study, and would therefore be beyond the scope of our present essay. Suffice it say that this appears to be, indeed, a working aspect of the tasks entrusted to the Annunaki network of minion organizations.

 Again, this appears to be carried within a framework of complete, plausible deniability for Marduk and his Council of Twelve who, when the time arrives for him to make his appearance on Earth will afford him a relatively pristine PR image – one which, we suspect, he will make use in advancing his anticipated program of complete domination of all aspects of life, limb and survival on Earth, if we are to take the prophecies in Daniel and Revelation seriously, which, we might add, we do. [Regarding his plausible deniability … his group introduced all of the ideas of the NWO to the Masons, Illuminati, etc. He has guided these people through all of their evil deeds over the years…including Hitler… and he has now turned on all of them, telling the New Age Community that they are evil and greedy, and you will see many arrests, etc. in the near future, so that he can come to our rescue…he, of course, is the antichrist.)

Where do these policies leave us, biokind [humans] of the Earth panspermed [“created”] by Annunaki some 250,000 years ago? Obviously, an institutional response to the situation generated by these interpretations of Annunaki influence and policies is out of the question, as the institutions which govern and order our lives are eminently penetrated and controlled by the very vectors we see are out to destroy us. 

Therefore, we suggest our response sets need to be extra-institutional and more formless and decentralized but thoroughly integrated. Perhaps Al-Qaida could teach us a thing or two. This is not to say we suggest open and direct action against the institutions and organizations our indicia are showing to be associated with Annunaki priorities and programs. Does that mean we also need a bin Ladin-like leader, whose ethereal nature makes him a moving target hard to hit? No, not at all. And we are also not suggesting it.

What we are suggesting is not a war or even resistance to Marduk or those who carry out his plans and objectives. This would be, indeed, futile (to borrow a phrase from Roddenberry and his Star Trek Next Generation paradigm). What we are suggesting, instead, is the development of a network of canton-like like-minded and like-disposed peoples who accept, realize, choose to, and develop means to open themselves to possibilities. We know the Kingdom is coming back, and the Kingdom and humankind are bound to each other by genetic makeup and past, some of which must be unlearned and undone in the present so that a peaceful future could be possible for both – them and us. [He has too little comprehension of the spiritual aspect of Jesus Christ, God’s Plan, etc., so he wanders off into the realm of fantasy here, thinking that we can ‘work with them,’ the same mistake made 60 years ago by our government and military - and got us into this situation we are now in.]

     One of our first tasks would be to figure out what is it they expect from us [our souls!] upon extra-institutional contact, and what are the positions and past events we need unlearned and undone so we, too, may be free to move onward and upward in a renewed and completely reconceptualized view of ourselves with them and with the galactic community (of which more than one of our informants tell us there are nearly 120 life forms in our vicinity) [this is the same line that is given to the New Agers by these very same Annunaki spirits!]. Then there is the matter of the dedicated human said to be returning with them, who is to assume the combined offices of EN.KI. and EN.LIL. as First Lord of Earth – or something like that – in some kind of direct democracy [this is the Antichrist]. It would be nice to know what his sixty epithet names [or social security numbers] will be; this will tell us a great deal of what to expect from what he is to offer to the remnant humankind left after the forecast defeat and imprisonment of Marduk, following some final confrontation of forces prophesied in biblical sources.

All of the preceding would require of us that we change our views of what is to come and face them, not in religious or doctrinal ways, but rather in well-informed and thoughtful exopolitical and scriptural ways. Why scriptural as well? We also need to know what is required of us in the dedicated human’s program for a post-Marduk Earth. We contend it is not an accident that much of what written patrimony left to us has been altered and in some cases changed completely to suit doctrinal and institutional hegemonies and power. 

We are also not suggesting a naive, Pollyanna-like worldview of what is to come; quite the contrary, we suggest we must become informed not just about Marduk and his program, but also about the Kingdom and the dedicated human’s paradigm of an Earth seemingly patterned after what NI.BI.RU. sees working for them. Will it also work for us? We are not suggesting it will not. We are asking that we begin a dialogue [they never learn…] on these two seemingly diametrically opposed options, and learn what we may already know deep within us all that is best for us.    

NOTE: I will post the entire document in PDF Format on the top left column of the blog. It has all the footnotes, references and more of an introduction. You will also be able to see the two charts and text which I had to scan in and they came out so small. I will continue to keep an eye our for Parts 2-5 of this research paper.  CMR

A. R. Bordon is a scientist, experienced physical-gnosive neurosensor, writer and consultant to a research institute funded by a private foundation and its corporate sponsor. His interests are in bioenergetic human-environment interaction effects, exotic propulsion, mind/matter interface effects, exobiology, and exopolitics. He has served as executive director of the American Association of Remote Viewers from 1996 through late 1998. He leads a team of physical-gnosive researchers dedicated to extension neurosensing (a proprietary method of gnosive research for the accessing) of information cumuli interfaced by physicalgnosive means. He is also one of several scientists working on an evolving “new science” Working Model from information derived from this research as an alternative to the Standard Model in physics and cosmology.

J.W. Barber is research associate of the End Times Future Research Group. A former Navy SEAL, Mr. Barber is a multilingual research fellow of the Life Physics Group as well. He has seen far too many things to ignore indicia left by the Annunaki on Earth, having served in well over 120 countries in the world. Mr. Barber is also a Research Fellow of the Life Physics Group – California’s Exobiology Research Group and the LEOM Foundations Research Group.