
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Constitution Needed?

This is part of my last article - to watch for an exciting new plan to take the United States 'back to the Constitution' - part of another deception.


By Kelleigh Nelson
March 7, 2012

The Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people; it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government - lest it come to dominate our lives and interests. -Patrick Henry

In September of 2011, I wrote a two part article entitled, The Constitutional Convention Con, regarding the Tea Party Patriots and Harvard University co-sponsoring a Conference to specifically discuss the feasibility of holding a Constitutional Convention. According to an article in the Daily Caller, the event included experts who discussed “their interpretations of Article V, their understanding of how the Founders viewed the provision and how a Constitutional Convention would operate today."

In response to that article, I received an e-mail from Hal Shurtleff, the North-Eastern Regional Director of the John Birch Society. He informed me he and several others would be attending this conference on the Con-Con held at Harvard. Unfortunately, they were not invited as participants and had to question guests as they left the conference. Hal sent me several interviews with participants regarding what took place inside the conference. A special thanks to my friend Chey, who transcribed one of the interviews for me, which I've included a portion of below. As always, thank you to Hal for his generosity, for his informative and timely phone calls from Harvard, and his videos of interviews.

Read the entire article HERE.