
Saturday, April 14, 2012

New Age EXPOSE - From A 33-year Insider (Part 2)

The Way Contemplation, Meditation and Yoga take control of the individual

This is why the New Age movement as a whole is steeped in meditative and contemplative techniques, yogic exercises, and rhythmic chants – they all serve to bring the subject under the influence of a controlling supernatural force. Most readers will likely know someone who became schizophrenic after commencing a meditative regime, lapsed into depression or otherwise adopted an abnormal pattern of behaviour. These are among the more obvious victims of New Age practices. Less obvious are those who persist for years in a state of psychic dependency until, at some point, their aura opens and some form of controlling entity slips in.

Why don’t you see books about this in the bookstores? Because the big publishing houses are controlled by the same people who are trying to bring about a New World Order. The last thing they want is a greater public awareness of the dangers of psychic invasion, channeling, medium-ship and demonic possession. More recently, good  books have begun to appear by Christian pastors engaged in the ministry of Deliverance. During deliverance these men of God recite passages from the Bible, the very word of God, and command all demons to leave the troubled person in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Even hard core Satanists have been saved through their ministry. This is why practitioners of the occult, as well as most New Agers, hate and fear the Bible, often without knowing why. There is evidence that the version of the Bible that they hate the most because of its effectiveness in driving out demons, is the King James Bible of 1611.

It’s ironic that demons recognize the word of God, while New Agers don’t!

The cunning heresies of the New Age movement

The New Age movement is actually a cohesive network of groups and organizations working toward a common goal. It is a clever way of luring Christians away from Christ by slowly inducing them to believe a range of ideas which are essentially pagan. Much of it is dressed up in attractive attire and made to seem very cute and very logical. While the various groups and organisations may appear to have sprung up spontaneously in various countries and at different times, with no obvious connection, they are actually part of a single plan.

Most New Age groups are funded, at least initially, by Masonic financiers and other wealthy practitioners of the occult. Collectively they want to destroy Christianity and pave the way for the Maitreya, the New Age Messiah (known to Christians as the Antichrist).

In Initiation: Human and Solar (1922), the Theosophist Alice Bailey, one of most influential occult figures of the 20th century, stated the aim of the plan as follows:

"Very definitely may the assurance be given here that, prior to the coming
of the Christ [i.e. the Antichrist], adjustments will be made so that at the
head of all great organizations will be found either a Master, or an initiate
who has taken the third initiation. At the head of certain of the great occult
groups, of the Freemasons of the world, and of the various great divisions
of the church, and resident in many of the great nations will be found
initiates or Masters." [p.61-62]

Eighteen New Age Lies
While they may differ among themselves in a number of superficial ways, every New Age movement subscribes to most, if not all, of the following beliefs:

Lie #1: Man can become a god.

This is one of the most prevalent New Age beliefs, a kind of rallying cry. Just as Lucifer is trying to dethrone God, he wants his followers to believe that they too can become gods. This conflicts violently with Christianity. Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden because they wanted to become gods. The Bible gives this as the sole reason for the Fall of man:

“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God
doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened,
and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.” (Genesis 3:4-5)

That’s the New Age philosophy in a nutshell! The promise of immortality, illumination, and godhood! Jesus came to earth to save man from this ghastly delusion, the ultimate Satanic lie.

Note how the Devil says their ‘eyes’ will be opened. This is the old occult promise to open one’s Third Eye, while “knowing good and evil” means to understand how the dualistic force operates. Magicians seek this knowledge in order to be able to manipulate The Force.

Lie #2: The Force is the Holy Spirit

This is one of the most subversive New Age beliefs, a truly appalling lie. Through it, Christians are lured into neglecting their relationship with God and trusting instead to a range of ‘techniques’ which connect them with The Force. They are told that this is the modern way to have the Holy Spirit in one’s life and that the old ways are outmoded, suited more to the needs, they say, of a backward desert tribe. Gradually new adherents are induced to give up prayer, the very means the LORD has given us to open our hearts to the Holy Spirit and protect us from the power of darkness.

Lie #3: God is impersonal

This is a very cunning belief. By asserting that God is so vast and so incomprehensible that no puny human could possibly know Him, they make Him seem impossibly remote. Instead, they say, God has sent us angels, masters, god-men and spirit guides to show us the way and lead us from our puny human state into the high planes of God, where we too will become gods.

This pernicious teaching is totally at variance with what God has revealed to us through his word, the Holy Bible. The truth is that God is personal. As the prophet has written, “Am I a God at hand, saith the Lord, and not a God afar off?” (Jeremiah 23:23).

Lie #4: Everything evolves, including Soul

This is a highly seductive belief since, if presented in the right way, it can be made to seem supremely logical. It goes hand in hand with the principles of reincarnation and karma (which we will discuss below).

Charles Darwin developed this idea in his famous book, The Origin of Species (1859), but was supposedly reluctant to publish it, in part because he knew that the idea of evolution could have no validity without a mechanism to transmit beneficial mutations from one generation to the next. This was ‘solved’ in the 20th century through the science of genetics, which argues that species evolve through chance mutations which confer some environmental advantage and are thus retained and passed on to future generations. The huge hole in all of this is that deleterious, nonfatal mutations, being infinitely more plentiful, would find their way into the genetic pool as well, leading over time to the deterioration of a species!

It also ignores the truly staggering variety of forms that are possible from the very same set of genes – look at the morphological and behavioural variety among canines! Evolutionists also conveniently ignore the extremely important role played in the expression of phenotypes by the operation of environmental triggers. In short, the ‘science’ of evolution is really a religious belief, sponsored by groups who are intensely hostile to Christianity and determined to eliminate the need for a Creator.

Soul does not evolve. It was perfect just as God made it. However, the New Age gurus are keen to preach that Soul is evolving since it gives them ample scope to dupe the unwary and bring thousands under their control.

Some New Agers believe that animals are Soul too. This is just another trick to make men and women forget that they are made in the image and likeness of God. Some cults push this lie very strongly and even encourages telepathic communication with animals – a common practice in witchcraft.

Lie #5: Karma and Reincarnation are basic laws of life

These are really two lies, but we will take them together since they are normally sold as a package by the New Age movement. Karma is the belief that every human action generates a perfectly matching reaction that curves through the space-time continuum and comes back to us at some future date. They like to quote a Biblical dictum in support of this, namely, that “We reap what we sow.”

However, the Bible was not speaking about karma but about the judgment of God! (The full Biblical verse is: “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” – Galations 6:7.)

The concept of karma is nothing more than a cunning attempt to entangle Soul in the laws of physics and thus make followers believe they are dependent on the guru for their release.

New Agers like to cite karma as the law of personal responsibility, when in reality it is the opposite, a mechanism which allows someone to behave as he pleases, in the full knowledge that at some future date everything will balance out and no fundamental harm has been done.

Since New Agers believe the law of karma could not operate to full effect over the course of a single lifetime, they propose a long series of lives over which Soul ‘matures’ and works off its bad karma. The end result, supposedly, of this long evolutionary process is God-Realization, the great illumination in which Soul finally becomes a god. Reincarnation is therefore marketed as a flawless mechanism of selfperfection, whereby the immaturities and defects in an individual are gradually refined and eliminated. This beguiling philosophy is designed to ensure that no one makes a serious effort toward their personal salvation since, as New Agers argue, everyone is saved from the outset, so who needs a Saviour? Again, Lucifer is achieving a major objective when he gets someone to accept this sinister philosophy.

The New Age movement has tried various ways to market reincarnation among Christians. Chief among these is hypnotic regression, where the subject is placed in a trance-like state and induced to remember episodes from his ‘past lives.’ This is an extremely clever trick since hypnosis, by its nature, exposes the subject to demonic influences. The implantation of ‘memories’ is thus easy to achieve.

New Agers also like to cite cases of children who recall their past lives. This is highly disingenuous since children are very suggestible and liable to accept all kinds of myths and stories as part of their personal reality. If they are members of a family with a leaning toward the occult, the child may also be exposed to unclean spirits and implanted with ‘memories’ based on verifiable fact.

It is worth noting that the great architect behind most New Age philosophies, Madame Blavatsky, did not herself assert the principle of reincarnation in her first major work, Isis Unveiled. If the fact of reincarnation is such a central tenet of New Age thinking, then why was it not mentioned even once in that monumental tome (over 1470 pages)? The reason is simple – it had not yet been identified (in 1877) as an important ingredient in the toxic brew which Lucifer was preparing for the unwary.

If you have any doubt about Blavatsky’s allegiance to the rule of Lucifer, you might like to note that the name she gave to her theosophical magazine was Lucifer and that the publishing house established by her disciples to propagate her works was initially called Lucifer Publishing Company (later changed to Lucis Trust). Her books, Isis Unveiled and The Secret Doctrine are riddled with Luciferian philosophy.

People foolishly think they can draw nourishment from certain New Age beliefs, in combination with their Christian faith, but this is not possible. As the Bible says, “Doth a fountain send forth at the same place sweet water and bitter?” (James 3:11). If a movement is Luciferian in any particular, it is Luciferian all the way through.

Lie #6: Everything is connected

All of these New Age lies are artfully contrived, but perhaps none are quite as cunning as this one. While it may appear innocent enough, it is steeped in venom.

On the surface it means that everything in the universe is connected in a tangible, albeit subtle way to everything else. This is sometimes described as a great sea of consciousness. However, when carried to its logical conclusion, it means also that heaven and hell are bound together, and that good and evil are somehow wrought from the same fabric.

This is exactly what Lucifer wants Christians to think. Not only will this sow confusion, but it will cause the unwary to wander into dark realms in the mistaken belief that the so-called connectedness of everything will allow them to wander back out again. It is designed to deceive people into believing that separation from God is impossible. And if it is impossible, then why do you need a Saviour? See how cleverly it works!

Lie #7: Jesus had the Christ Consciousness

Jesus did not have the Christ consciousness – he was (and is) the Christ. He was (and is) fully God and fully man. By trying to separate Jesus from his divinity, the New Agers are being extremely devious. On the one hand they appear to acknowledge Jesus as a special messenger from God (a major demotion, of course, but a gracious concession nonetheless), placing him on a par with other prominent figures in religious history. In this way, the Christ ‘consciousness’ becomes a state accessible by anyone with the right degree of spiritual attainment.

This is such an obvious piece of chicanery that every Christian should see through it immediately. But, alas, many do not.

You will notice how the Redeemer is being continually undermined by the New Age movement. Firstly, with reincarnation, no one needs to be saved since everyone, they allege, is in the process of saving themselves. Then, if that is not enough, the ‘connectedness’ of everything ensures that no one is permanently separated from God, again making the Saviour unnecessary. Next, to top it all, any number of super-evolved Souls can enter the Christ ‘consciousness’ and thereby render Jesus redundant.

Do you not smell the stink of Lucifer in all of this?!

 Look for Part 3 tomorrow