
Sunday, April 15, 2012

New Age EXPOSE - From A 33-year Insider (Part 3)

Lie #8: Ascended Masters will lead us to God

This trick is related to Lie #7. According to New Age philosophy, an Ascended Master is a personage on the inner planes who has reached the highest stage of spiritual unfoldment and is authorised by God to guide Souls on the ‘physical plane.’ These Souls are generally told that they are the chosen ones.

These Ascended Masters sometimes ‘channel’ their teachings through their leading disciples here on earth, who commit them to writing for use by the movement as a whole. Some of these discarnate imposters even claim to be more spiritually elevated than Jesus and, in some cases, to have helped Jesus with his ‘training.’ When it comes to Ascended Masters, it seems no falsehood is too outrageous.

Many New Age gurus claim to have already reached the lofty state of ‘God-Consciousness.’ The living ‘godman’ will often claim to have an assortment of ascended masters who work with him and communicate with his disciples during meditation/contemplation or in their dreams.

What can one say about all of this? It seems people leave their common sense at home when they go looking for truth. Once you fall under the ‘spell’ of a guru, you are quite literally under a spell. This is a major reason why followers of New Age paths never seriously consider the possibility that the ‘ascended masters’ they revere could just as easily be demons in disguise.

New Agers may counter that exactly the same criticism may be made of Catholics who pray to the saints or to the Virgin Mary. Could these supernatural beings have a demonic origin as well? The answer is – of course! New Agers are violating the instruction we received from Jesus, namely, that when we pray we should pray only to Our Father who is in heaven. The Virgin Mary is often presented by the Catholic Church as a valid mediator between man and God the Father. This undermines the unique role of Jesus as our Redeemer and lures the faithful into worshipping the same goddess worshipped by pagans and witches (One former high-level witch has stated that Catholics switch so easily into witchcraft because they already worship the goddess). To that extent the Catholic Church, in its Marian form, is part of the New Age movement and will likely play a central role in the coming One World Religion.

Lie #9: All religions are valid

This is usually marketed as a principle of tolerance to which any true lover of God should subscribe. New Agers like to dismiss fundamentalist Christians as crackpots who live in the past and lack the spiritual vision needed to see that all religions are valid. They say God has sent many great teachers, across a wide spectrum of religious traditions, to lead Soul back to its true home. The variety of belief systems, they claim, is designed to cater to the needs of individuals and the many different ‘states of consciousness’ that exist among the people of all nations.

This is another clever stratagem. It tries to make you feel stupid for being orthodox, for sticking to your narrow, introverted, exclusive beliefs. How can you be so arrogant as to claim that Christianity is the only true path to God? This is exactly the kind of intolerance, they say, that leads to hostility and wars. No matter how the argument is put, the bottom line is always the same – if you are truly spiritual, you cannot be an orthodox, Bible-carrying Christian.

This is taken to an extreme degree by some champions of the New Age who contend that the world would be a better place if Christianity, or as they often call it, monotheistic religion, were removed from the face of the earth. One author, James Hillman, who has written over twenty books in support of the New Age movement, even went so far as to state the following at the conclusion of A Terrible Love of War (2004):

“I have tried to expose the unacknowledged force of Ares/Mars within
Christianity even since its origins. The historical and psychological truth
must be acknowledged, else the hypocrisy in the depths of Christianity
keep its believers ignorant of the wrath of the Lamb [Jesus Christ] in
which they place their trust. Only a contrite awakening to Christianity’s
hypocrisy in regard to peace and war could release a new dispensation, a
new reformation to rid monotheistic religion of its roots in war and the
roots of war in monotheistic religion.”

The message is very clear, that Christianity is basically a violent religion and that the world cannot advance to a new dispensation (i.e. the New Age) until this violent religion is put in its place. Hillman is not alone in this belief. It is held by all who lead and co-ordinate the worldwide New Age movement.

Lie #10: Initiations are needed to advance spiritually

The New Age movement places great importance on initiations. The use of initiations has always been central to magic, Gnosticism, the Cabala and Masonry. For example, the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry has 33 ‘degrees’ or initiations (plus more beyond that for the super-elite), Reiki normally has three and Wicca has three, while Eckankar has fourteen. Scientology does not appear to use the word ‘initiation’ but nevertheless has several levels of progression which correspond with levels of initiation. Virtually every New Age path has at least one initiation and most have multiple levels depending on one’s progress and commitment. Often the promise of another, higher initiation is used as a carrot to hold followers and draw them further under the psychic control of the guru.

The moment a Christian takes an initiation into one of these paths, he weakens himself spiritually. Even TM is initiatory, involving a religious rite in which the applicant becomes a devotee, however obliquely, of a minor Hindu deity. Many groups try to present these rites as purely token or ceremonial in nature, with no real spiritual dimension. But they have! All initiations are a contract with The Force.

Christian Baptism is not an initiation but an immersion in the Holy Spirit. It has nothing whatever to do with The Force.

Any Christian who takes an initiation destroys his ability to offer effectual prayer. Even if he never engages in any occult activity ever again, he has almost certainly been neutralised as a servant of the LORD. The best way to deal with this is to renounce the initiation, preferably in writing, and participate in a Renewal of Baptism ceremony.

If you still have doubts about the Luciferian thrust of the New Age movement, consider the following quotation by David Spangler, one of its leading spokesmen:

“No one will be allowed to enter the New Age unless he or she takes a
Luciferic initiation...When man entered the pathway of self, he entered
into a great creative adventure, of learning the meaning of divinity by
accepting himself. The being that helps him reach that point is Lucifer, the
angel of man’s evolution...Lucifer is an agent of God’s love...Christ is the
same force as Lucifer...Lucifer prepares man for the experience of
Christhood. Lucifer works within each of us to bring us to wholeness as
we move into the New Age.” – Reflections on the Christ

That was written in 1977, when the New Age movement was less careful to disguise its sinister Luciferian agenda. The architects of most New Age cults take care to hide this and probably regret that Spangler, Bailey, Blavatsky and others were so outspoken about the central role that Lucifer plays in their whole philosophy.

If there are three words that summarize the New Age Movement, they are Deception! Deception! Deception!

Lie #11: The Aquarian Age marks the dawn of a higher consciousness on earth

This is another attractive fallacy. It offers hope to anyone enslaved by materialism. However the proposed golden age, which is meant to appear with a major shift in the astrological clock, is just a trick. The many books promoting the so-called Harmonic Convergence of 2012 are weaving a web of illusion. The grand architects of the New Age deception know that, if they flood the market with enough books purporting to prove that a new golden age is about to begin, it will gradually gain acceptance. And it has.

There is a further reason why this idea is being pushed so hard. The Illuminati are preparing the way for their New Age Messiah, whom they sometimes call the Maitreya. They want to portray this as the Second Coming of Christ and induce Christians everywhere to accept initiation into their one-world religion. This initiation will be poison for all followers of Christ who submit to it.

If you are familiar with the Bible and the prophecies in the Book of Revelation, you will recognise this figure, the ‘New Age Messiah,’ as the Antichrist. All the indications are that this End Time scenario is unfolding before us and that a dreadful series of events is set to begin sometime soon (Stage One, the deliberate destruction of the world financial system, is already under way, while Stage Two, the introduction of Martial Law in the US and the phased abolition of its sovereignty, is very likely to
commence soon.

The Bible makes it very clear that these events will come to pass. Jesus himself did not know when they would commence, so he asked that all who follow him be ever vigilant: “But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels that are in heaven, neither the Son, but the Father...And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13:32-37). Alas, very few Christians today are actually doing as Jesus instructed.

Lie #12: The concept of evil is out of date

Most members of New Age groups are taught to believe that the Biblical concept of evil is old-fashioned, and possibly even harmful. Instead, they claim that everything must balance, that order must always flow from disorder, and that every evil act is ultimately transmuted into an outcome that reflects the beneficent will of God. The idea of absolute evil, they say, is concocted by the monotheistic religions to reinforce the fearful grip that they exercise over their members. In their philosophy, a truly benign God would never allow evil of this kind to exist. 

But it does! Lucifer is not just a fallen angel, but a fallen member of the cherubim. He possessed colossal power in the realms of heaven and chose to rebel. His will is opposed to that of God in every respect and is therefore evil in the darkest possible sense.

Some New Age groups even try to present Satan as an agent appointed by God to test Soul and put it through the rigors of purification needed to enter the high worlds of God. This is a very clever swindle indeed since it completely blinds the seeker to the depth and wickedness of Satan’s plan.

Despite the grisly evidence of evil throughout the world, New Agers still persist in their naive belief that evil is purely relative. This, without doubt, is a triumph for Satan. What better disguise could he ask for!

Lie #13: Personal experience is superior to faith

On the surface this proposition may seem very logical. After all, how much better it is to witness an event for oneself than to accept someone else’s testimony. This is all very fine in the mundane world, but in the realm of spirituality it can be devastating. It is effectively an invitation to the seeker to interpret truth for himself and to measure it in accordance with his own standards. The student is being asked to serve as his own teacher, to pick and accept the elements of truth that appeal to him and to discard the rest. He is also encouraged to listen to the ‘inner master,’ his ‘inner voice’ or his ‘higher self’ and to interpret truth on the basis of dreams or images revealed to him in meditation or contemplation. Can you see where this is leading?

Most of what we generate from within ourselves, without the grace of God to direct us, is self-indulgent nonsense – at best. As the prophet said, “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked. Who can know it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)

Frankly, Satan doesn’t care what you believe, as long as it is not in the Holy Bible.

The purpose of revelation, as set out in the Bible, is to provide a firm spiritual foundation for the individual. The LORD has provided this for our well-being and protection. If one has an ‘experience’ which is at variance with the revealed word of God, then it is dangerous and should be ignored. There is no truth in it. The New Age movement, on the other hand, would argue that such experiences are vital for our ‘spiritual unfoldment’ and should be pursued since they lead to self-mastery (another popular New Age term).

This deceitful proposition is the basis for the claim by nearly every New Age movement that it has ‘something for everyone.’ In reality, it is all part of the marketing exercise, the promotion of a supernatural supermarket where those who are hungry for truth are bound to find something to please them. And it works.

The great proliferation of groups, each with its own particular blend of New Age ideas, will ensure that the seeker is convinced he is making a mature and informed decision when he chooses from among the many enticing New Age goodies on offer.

Watch for Part 4 tomorrow