
Friday, April 13, 2012

New Age EXPOSE - From A 33-year Insider (Part 1)

Eighteen New Age Lies –
An Occult Attack On Christianity
by Robert Pye

Followers of New Age movements do not regard themselves as practitioners of the occult, but they are. In this paper I will set out what I see as the worst lies told by these movements and the threat they pose to Christians.

After 33 years as a member of a New Age movement, I have learned from hard experience that none of these movements are what they seem. Let me explain how they work.

The Great Work

Witches, Masons, Rosicrucians, Cabalists and other leading practitioners of the occult decided in the late 18th century that, if they were to increase their influence in society, they would have to present their beliefs in a disguised form. So they formulated a plan known as the Great Work. By implementing the Great Work they hoped to lure Christians into accepting beliefs which, had they been presented in their true form, would have been rejected out of hand as the work of Satan.

The Great Work led to many innovative ways of spreading occult ideas. These included hypnotism (or Mesmerism), spiritualism (séances), the Theosophy of Helena Blavatsky, the Anthroposophy of Rudolph Steiner, Wicca, Darwinian Evolution, Freudian psychology, the Society of Psychical Research, and the endowment of academic chairs to investigate the paranormal. Stronger links were forged between the main branches of Freemasonry (which purports to accept Christianity but is actually based on Egyptian magic and the worship of Lucifer, the Light-bearer). Many influential works were ‘channeled’ from  demonic sources by willing human puppets. These included Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Rudolph Steiner, Aleister Crowley, Joan Grant, Edgar Cayce, G I Gurdjieff, Ron Hubbard and Paul Twitchell. Especially influential were the works of Madame Blavatsky, on which most of the ideas of the New Age movement are based.

The plan behind the Great Work also included the creation of pseudo Christian churches to lure true Christians away from the unadulterated teachings of the Bible. These included the Mormons (founded by a practising Mason, Joseph Smith) and the Jehovah’s Witnesses (founded by Charles Taze Russell, a high level Mason). The work of Edgar Cayce also falls into this bracket since he purported to be a follower of Christ, when in fact he was channeling demonic ideas which were completely at variance with the teachings of the Bible. The ‘sleeping prophet’ was a mouthpiece for heresy and deception, though he did not recognise this himself. To that extent, he differed from Blavatsky and Crowley, who were fully conscious of their connection with Lucifer.

The plan also included a broad attack on mainstream Christianity. Protestant men were lured into joining the local Masonic lodge, generally on the pretext that it would improve their social standing and business connections. This got spectacular results. For example, virtually the entire leadership of the Southern Baptist Convention is now controlled by the Masons.

 A different approach was taken with the Catholics. They were presented with a new deity, the Queen of Heaven. The elevation of the earthly mother of Jesus to the status of a Goddess was achieved in 1854 when the Pope officially declared that she was born completely without sin and lived in a totally sinless state throughout her life – which virtually put her on a par with Jesus. This was reinforced by another formal Papal declaration in 1950 that she ascended bodily into heaven. Since goddess worship is central to paganism and witchcraft, this was a major coup.

The Occult disguised as New Age

The founder of Scientology, Ron Hubbard, was a practising Satanist and tried to raise powerful demons through a series of ceremonial magical rites that he conducted with the famous Satanist, Jack Parsons. Parsons himself studied magic under the most notorious black magician of the 20th century, Aleister Crowley. During a magical rite, Crowley became possessed by the demon of Horus while on a trip to Egypt in 1904.

This demon called itself Aiwaz. Over a period of several years the demon strengthened its grip until it had Crowley under his complete control. Working through Crowley via the occult technique known as channeling, the demon produced a number of major works on black magic, including The Book of the Law and The Book of Lies. These Satanic books have been consulted avidly ever since by students of the occult, most of whom try to raise demons through the rites of ceremonial magic.

The founder of Eckankar, Paul Twitchell, was a close associate of Hubbard and longtime student of the occult. Twitchell plagiarised all of his teachings from a variety of sources, mainly the Radhasoami and Sant Mat paths of Northern India, while repeatedly asserting that they were completely original and that he had been ‘chosen’ to reveal them. One longstanding critic of Eckankar, Professor David Lane, has described Twitchell as a “pathological liar.”

The path of Wicca is nothing more than traditional demonic witchcraft presented in a sugar-coated form, while the various Angel cults, which are so popular among New Age followers, are all designed to bring their practitioners under the influence of demonic entities in the guise of angelic beings. Reiki is presented as an Oriental healing modality, when in fact it is an initiatory path whose practitioners channel an occult force that is potentially harmful.

Both ‘A Course in Miracles’ and ‘The Power of Now’ – both of which are strongly promoted by celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey – are profoundly occult. However, their occult content is very cleverly disguised. Many Christians mistakenly believe they can ‘study’ these works and not be adversely affected. What is more, they are being told that such works are compatible with Christianity. The truth is that they are not. The ‘god’ of both ‘A Course in Miracles’ and ‘The Power of Now’ is Lucifer.

The Great Work has been very successful. It has got millions of decent people to accept a range of beliefs and practices which draw them away from the all-powerful protection of Christ. The most zealous followers, who practice meditation, contemplation, creative visualization or ‘spiritual’ healing, are going even further and exposing themselves to supernatural influences which are demonic in origin and potentially very dangerous.

The Force

It might be helpful at this stage to make some additional points of a general nature regarding the occult. By various arcane means, all of its practitioners are trying to manipulate The Force. Those who work at ‘white’ magic, as they call it, are focusing on the Luciferian or light side of the Force, while those who practice black magic are working with the darker, Satanic element. However, spiritually it is all magic and all harmful. There is no such thing as ‘white’ magic, just magic. The Force is a single entity, thus everything to do with the Force is completely within Satan’s domain. 

Some Wiccans claim that they never cast evil spells or work with Satan. However, any practising Wiccan who sincerely believes this is a fool. They forget that every spell is a product of darkness or the dark light of Lucifer. All claims upon The Force must be paid for and Satan will exact his toll in full measure at his leisure. Remember, his ultimate objective is to enslave all who practice magic, in any form, white or black.

Members of certain cults were thrilled when the movie series, Star Wars, first appeared (in 1977), since it depicted The Force as the key spiritual reality of the universe. They were taught to believe by the so-called ‘masters’ that The Force and the Holy Spirit were one and the same! (A former, high level member of the Illuminati, John Todd, stated that all of the actors on Star Wars had to prove they were members of a witch coven. When witches leave after a coven meeting, they bid farewell to one another with the words, “The Force be with you!”)

We will shortly discuss how the New Age movement tries to disguise and present The Force as equivalent to, or identical with, the Holy Spirit – a truly demonic deception that has done immense harm to Christianity.

The Dark Light of Lucifer

The so-called light of Lucifer, the Light-bearer, is the false light that Jesus warned about when he said: “But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” (Matthew 6:23)

The Bible is perfectly clear about the dangers of magic in any form and warns against it in the strongest possible terms:

There shall not be found among you...that useth divination, or an observer
of times, or an enchanter, or a witch, or a charmer, or a consulter with
familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things
are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the
LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee. Thou shalt be
perfect with the LORD thy God. (Deuteronomy 18:10-13).

Note that an ‘observer of times’ is an astrologer, an ‘enchanter’ is a hypnotist and caster of spells, and a ‘necromancer’ is a medium. Anyone who follows an ‘ascended master’ is consulting with a familiar spirit and engaging in necromancy, communication with the dead. Anyone who follows a so-called ‘living master’ is associating with a wizard and an enchanter.

Christians forget that (a) Satan is real, (b) he is more active today than ever before and (c) he can present himself as an angel of light:

For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves
into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is
transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his
ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end
shall be according to their works. (2 Corinthians 11:13-15)

Meditation, Contemplation and Self-hypnosis

Before looking at the principal lies of the New Age movement, we should pause for a moment to examine the way demonic entities operate. They are not a uniform breed but comprise many varieties, based on power and hierarchical position. Some seem to specialise, but all act as psychic parasites, drawing energy from their victims or controlling them in some manner or other. One of the easiest ways to open oneself to a demon is through the use of a Ouija board, but few people realise that every time they frequent a psychic or a medium they are exposing themselves to a dark influence.

Equally, by inviting The Force to work through him, a person who meditates or contemplates regularly is allowing a subtle malignancy to enter his life. This is often sold to the unwary as a ‘spirit guide’ – which it is! Unfortunately, most people assume it is a higher being working for their benefit, instead of a cunning entity commencing a slow process of infiltration which can span several decades.

Regular meditation or contemplation also weaken one’s spiritual defences in the dream state, where one is more vulnerable to suggestion and indoctrination, as well as psychic attack.

Please understand that meditation is not prayer. Neither are contemplation or yoga. In reality, they are all designed to open psychic centres or chakras in the body. Remember, The Force is NOT the Holy Spirit. There is no ‘technique’ for ‘attracting’ the Holy Spirit. Christian prayer is not a technique but something entirely different. Christians who are being told otherwise are being sold a lie by the New Age movement.

Fallen Angels try to work through New Age ‘Masters’

If you are familiar with the New Testament you will know that Jesus spent a large part of his ministry casting out demons. He even cast out seven devils from one of his disciples, Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9). He also gave his disciples the power to do so in his name. No spiritual teacher who ever lived could cast out demons. Only Jesus has the power to do so, and by extension true Christians acting in his name. This alone should make all Christians think very carefully about the wonderful gift they have as members of the church of Christ. They are protected!
Practitioners of magic try to gain influence over powerful demons. They then direct these demons to serve them in a variety of ways. Masons in the higher degrees are keen to affix themselves to powerful ‘angelic’ spirits of this kind. In their ignorance, they are falling into a deadly trap. Angels of the Lord serve the Lord, they don’t serve man. The so-called ‘angelic’ spirits contacted by the Masons are actually demons. These demons merely co-operate with their hosts in order to extend their influence in this world. If necessary, they grant ‘experiences’, ‘bliss’ or other worldly benefits to their hosts in order to maintain and deepen their hold over them.

These demons merely co-operate with their hosts in order to extend their influence in this world. If necessary, they grant ‘experiences’, ‘bliss’ or other worldly benefits to their hosts in order to maintain and deepen their hold over them. Senior members of many New Age movements have undergone a series of ‘initiations’ to open themselves to the ‘light.’ Alas, this light is the dark light of Lucifer. The leaders who profess to be ‘Spiritual Masters’ are actually possessed by demons, dark spirits or psychic entities. The more ‘powerful’ or advanced masters are actually under the direct control of fallen angels. This is how these servants of Satan exercise control in this world.