
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Planet X And The End Times - Part 3

The Earth will be receiving radiation due to the atomic particles in the upper atmosphere resulting from the electrical activity of PX which will cause reversal of our magnetic field. This will cause mutations of animals and plants in an unusually short period of time.

Depending on the nearness of PX to Earth, the effects on earth described above and in Part 2 can be more or less severe than described. The fact that this object (brown dwarf star) has accompanying objects with it in our current case will, however, magnify the effects. Any or all of these objects could get captured in our solar system and fail to orbit back out; if that were the case it would cause some disruptions for years. If Earth were to travel through the tail of these objects that, too, would increase the effects.

There are numerous variables. Past histories and the Bible are the best (and only) clues, and the Bible's description of end times events mentions a large percentage of people perishing; however it does not indicate total elimination of mankind by any means.

Under almost any scenario we will see tremendous winds, hurricanes, volcanic activity, tornadoes and cyclones - all on land and on sea. The Sun could be darkened for periods of days or even weeks, and the temperature on the planet could fall (or rise) rapidly. Glaciers could appear quickly in unexpected places and "flash freeze" man and animals; this has been found all over the world from previous occurrences. Our Moon could undergo its own similar changes, even sending meteors to earth which would appear as a 'star shower' and could be the fire and brimstone spoken of in Scripture and by the Ancients. These are all possibilities, along with secondary effects such as plagues of vermin, water appearing red (I've seen pictures of this already happening) appearing like blood and polluting the waters.A pole shift could occur (will occur) from large gravitational (not magnetic) activity interacting with the Earth's mantle and move the entire Earth 20-25 degrees from its current position.

Atlantis and other continents were devastated and submerged into the ocean in one single night of such earth changes. The Egyptian priests were crystal clear in communicating to the early Greeks that such a cosmic body took Atlantis under. (Atlantis is not a fairy tale as some people would have you believe.) Atlantis went down, and the sea came up and formed new mountain ranges above sea level. All of this happened in one night. A good source of information for all of this is in 3 books by Irnrnanuel Velikovsky entitled Worlds in Collision, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos. Velikovsky was another renegade scientist who would not be silenced. He, of course, was ridiculed. He was also right. One of the names for this object was "The Destroyer."

 James McCanney goes into great detail about preparations (see Part I). I highly recommend the booklet he wrote. I'm not inclined to prepare at all because I think it would be an exercise in futility and I believe the Lord is in control and we can rely on him. It seems foolish (to me) to spend time and money to prepare for something totally unpredictable when we are to 'be about our Father's business.' Besides, I believe the imminent occurrence of this next event will include the Rapture and Satan etal being thrown to Earth (all of his people are already here and in government positions around the world, except Himself and those to be released from the pit.)

A tentative time table based on past history.
1-3 years prior to passage PX enters the solar system and ignites into a huge 'comet'; it is accompanied by its companion bodies which are orbiting it. They become larger as they move across our system. This is happening now. It may have entered a year or more ago.

The Sun begins to react to the magnetic pull of this.However, it isn't possible to see this group unless you have an infrared scope like NASA's IRAS. They have been tracking this object for years. They know exactly where each body is, and it is a job, because "the lawless one" moves erratically. The Destroyer is headed for Earth and no one knows when or whether it will make contact or how close it will come, but they are tracking it and calculating estimates as it nears.

Long ago they made the decision to keep this information secret. They are learning from tracking it and now know that the planets were not formed 4.5 billion years ago, and they know that comets are not 'dirty snowballs.'  I believe the reason they have kept it secret is to save face. Everything about PX disproves everything they have said is true. Their entire religion of evolution and science is falling apart.

As they learn the truths about all this they become terrified - not because of all the above earth changes and devastations - but because they know this is the work of God Almighty! This is confirmed repeatedly in the prophecies. They are having to face the truth ... and they are receiving information directly from Satan's workers, who are giving them truth mixed with lies. They know this. They know the Cosmic Forces are untrustworthy; they have learned this through all of their dealings with them over the past 60+ years.  They don't want the public to know how wrong they are, how uninformed about the cosmos, how betrayed they have been by the cosmic forces, and what a prison they are in - spiritually, politically, governmentally

Their original plans were to control the world, and now they are being controlled. This is one of the reasons their actions appear increasingly insane. The original plan was psychopathic enough.

There have been some independent scientists and labs, however, who know all this. They have tried to get the information out as they could, but the magnitude of the disinformation campaign drowns out any sane voice of truth. Additionally, the public attention span is not impressive, and the controlled media keeps them involved in many other topics, plenty of which there are today. The public will eventually notice something is wrong, but one wonders when. Surely they have noticed the strange weather, beginning around the time of "El Nino." And I am shocked beyond belief that no one seems to have notice the oddness of the Sun, which has been much brighter, a different color and in the wrong place!! I began noticing this nearly a year ago. The Moon also has been traveling a crazy path up there. Many evenings I see it in one place at 8 PM and on the opposite side of the sky two hours later!  How can people miss this??

These independents are risking their very lives to tell the truth. As am I. Many have been killed. I am trusting that my anonymity will save me, but who knows? It's not in me to hide the truth. If I have a sudden heart attack or something else odd and unexpected (I'm in perfect health except for allergies) you will know what really may have happened. I go through this life only once, and I will not be silenced. The Lord is in charge of my life, and nothing can be done without His sanction. Besides, I can't wait to see him.

McCanney says: "At 8 months prior to passage the weather starts to become erratic and solar flares pound the Earth [this has been happening for several months].. All of this is reported to the public by the independent scientists, as NASA and NOM (the national weather service) pretend that everything is "normal". .... Already the insurance industry is near bankruptcy due to the past years of paying claims for severe weather that NOM is still trying to pass off as "normal". The insurance industry blames it on the stock market and people begin to lose their homes as the cost of the banking industry enforced insurance on mortgaged homes forces monthly mortgage payments to double due to the insurance costs. In spite of the high cost of insurance, the insurance companies stop paying claims as they run out of money. The rest of the economy fails but the public is still unaware that this is a direct result of the approach of Planet X . At four months before passage the weather becomes more erratic and remote areas of the world begin to be cut off from fuel for heating and other essentials. The developed countries have failing economies
and the only talk in the halls of government is the need for war."

Part 4 tomorrow