
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Planet X And The End Times - Part 2

View anything that comes from NASA - whether about Planet-X or anything else - with a jaundiced eye. NASA is a major disinformation tool of the Powers, as is 95% of the media. This is the reason it is so difficult to get at the truth.

Also beware of news releases that talk about possible asteroid collisions, etc. with Earth, and indicate that these are events that will happen in the distant future. That's what they would like for you to think. Any news coming from NASA is designed to control your thinking and keep the truth from you. All government employees with any real information (and they are few) are under strict gag orders not to inform the public of impending disasters. Likewise, the Internet is full of disinformation, and may websites are 'planted' to look legitimate so you will believe what they say. Many people who mean well pick up this data and print it as truth, thereby complicating things even further. Disinformation campaigns are put in place years ahead of time, along with plans to ridicule crazy conspiracy theorists - this is their favorite (and most effective) tool to use on the public. If you really want to know the truth study the sky and the planets for yourself. Learn about the planets. If I can do it, anyone can.

From what I have learned about Planet-X there is simply no way to prepare (and it's too late, even if there was a way.)  When Christ spoke of the end times he said not to store up goods or try to make preparations, because it is your faith that will save you; like the birds of the fields who neither store grain or build shelters. Your heavenly Father takes care of you as he takes care of them. No one can predict an exact date of Planet-X, and those who are building vast shelters underground will undoubtedly die a worse death there than had they done nothing.

Almost every satanic plan, whether it be scientific, political, religious, or anything else, is based on "Divide and Conquer" (the Hegelian Dialectic). It never fails to work magnificently. Dem vs. Republican, rich vs. poor, Islam vs. Christianity, "Occupy" vs. the greedy bankers, whatever. I see this in every single arena that is playing out today. Both sides are created at the same time by the enemy to bring about their purposes.

There are many objects in space that could do, and have done, harm to Earth. I believe that there is one major object, Planet-X, that is already in our solar system, and Elenin was its harbinger, and that this information is deliberately being kept from the public.The expected devastation will be so vast that the powers are allowing the public to be blindsided, while they prepare cave cities for themselves with the money they have stolen from us through all the corrupt and greedy activities of Wall Street, corporations and banks.

Internal NASA records and early scientific publications indicate as early as the 1980s that this was known. It was written about in numerous scientific journals for 12-18 months at that time, and it has been hushed up since then. It can only be spotted by infrared equipment, will be visible in the southern sky, but only at the last minute. The ancients said it "arrived like a thief in the night" the last time in recorded history that it visited us about 3,650 years ago. There is no such thing as a safe area, because the damage it will do is entirely unpredictable. Despite the fact that billions of taxpayer funds are used to support NASA, they have given us zero information about this incoming event. NASA scientists are under strict non-disclosure agreements under national security and would be immediately arrested without trial and imprisoned or worse if they broke silence on this or related issue. The public has been left to fend for themselves except for the information they get from a few number of private individuals.

It is not necessary for Planet-X to crash into Earth in order to do vast damage. Those who try to hide "in the rocks and caves" as the Bible says will be no better off (probably worse) than those on the surface. When it finally comes into view there will be no question about it. The damage will be caused by the electrical and gravitational nucleus' interaction with the Sun. The cosmos is alive with electricity. It may appear to be a comet; the Hopis and others say that "the blue ones are the dangerous ones." There are infrared pictures of it which show it as being blue. It may rival the Sun in its brightness. (The Sun has already become significantly brighter over the past few months due to increased electrical activity with these objects.)

There are stories in the Bible and in numerous ancient texts describing the floods and devastation caused on Earth previously due to such objects. The accounts come from the histories of every part of the world and from all cultures, and they are attributed to such an object. The last 3-4 months prior to its arrival will be characterized by incredible weather, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc. We have seen some of this already, and we know that the dates of Elenin's alignment with the Earth and the Sun has resulted in increasingly great damage, such as the Chile. New Zealand and Japan earthquakes. There are numerous others. There is also some evidence that HAARP has also been involved at the same time. It's difficult to imagine why HAARP would be deliberately used at a time when devastation was already due from an incoming, unless to divert attention to HAARP and away from 'the other.' The truly crazy, the truly insane, are these people. The Bible refers to such insanity in the end times.

Some of the problems will include the movement of people away from the areas of devastation; lack of service due to damaged infrastructure, utilities, communications, Internet. Roads, vehicles, transportation, gasoline, heat, electricity, sewer, water, medicine, medical services. Everything will be affected, and there is no way to know in advance regarding location. Our modern culture is particularly vulnerable since we depend on all of these things.

McCanney says: "Earth Changes include the following. Electrical effects between the huge comet (with planet X as its nucleus) and Sun will increase severe weather and very unstable weather patterns will result. Earth
itself will develop extended electrical interactions with the Sun and violent storms with both excessive lightning, wind and water (much of the water coming in from outer space) will-last for days and even weeks at a time. These will occur in some cases months or even years before the passage. Secondary effects will be the degradation or complete elimination of infrastructures to the point that public utilities and local governments will be totally unable to cope with the repairs.

"Cyclones will come in large groups and decimate cities and towns, leaving those with standard housing with nothing. Torrential rains will weaken roadbeds and mudslides will be common. Rivers will flood and mobility will come to a standstill. Since the jet streams will also become erratic and due to extended cloud cover, some days will be very hot while on the next day it will snow in even the tropical locations. Animals in the fields will die of starvation and the quality of water will quickly be undrinkable even though there is water everywhere. Those who have not made it to high ground by this time will have lost the opportunity and will be unable to move.

"Chemicals other than water such as ammonia, hydrocarbons [hydrogen cyanide has already been detected from PX] and other complex oils may start to influx from outer space as Earth becomes more electrically active and reacts to the increase in solar electrical activity caused by the approach of the large comet and its nucleus (Planet X). By this time the public will be fully aware of the severe nature of the situation and the government leaders will have retreated into their specially prepared cave dwellings with the doors securely locked and guarded against entry by the angry populous.

"The winds and powerful land hurricanes will begin sweeping out large volumes of vegetation and piling into regions where eventually it will turn into coal hundreds of thousands of years later. The public will now also begin to see large electrical discharges streaming between the planets and their moons and between the
planets. Jupiter especially, with its large electrical interaction with the Sun will seem to be throwing lightening bolts across the sky. The huge comet will likewise begin to discharge electrically to the other planets and a huge trumpet like call will ring through Earth's atmosphere as the searing electrical discharges interact with the upper atmosphere. Colorful auroras will light up even the daytime sky with finger like dancing lights as the electrical discharges continually interact with the ionosphere."

Continued tomorrow - Part 3