
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Planet X And The End Times - Part 1

If you want to know the truth about Planet-X and how it will affect your near future - and it will - you need to read this post and those to come in the next week or two. If, however, you want to remain in a little paradigm box that you have created for yourself, in which you feel safe and comfy, then the truth is not for you. I write this not to convince anyone of the truth, but because of my own burning desire to seek the truth. I am driven by it, and the Lord has led me to it many times. This time, too, I firmly believe.

Although I could write two or three books on this subject (with references) there isn't time for that, and even if there was I wouldn't do it. My time is better spent researching the gold mines for truth and sharing it with those who are also looking. It never bothers me to be proven wrong in some current belief. I am thrilled to find the truth and frequently change what I believe about something. It's called learning.

Take prophecy, for instance. Since my father was pre-trib, and since I was a PK (preacher's kid), naturally I turned against it! For 10-15 years I rejected a rapture altogether - based on nothing, really, although I did study all of the non-rapture doctrines and commentaries. Then about ten years or so ago I decided to embark on a serious study of the only one I had not covered, the pre-tribulation rapture. I went into it looking for truth, but not expecting to find it any more than I had found it in mid-trib, post-trib, dominionism, no rapture, you name it. After I was two or three years into it I became a believer, not due to what any commentator said, but due to my own personal study of the Scriptures - Old and New Testaments, frankly. And in that study I found the truth. Still, not all of the truth, because as the Bible says, in the end times it will be revealed - and that is a continuing revelation (of Revelation) as we continue to study the Word and watch end time events. I can still mull over small details that I don't think anyone has completely correct - and I do. It doesn't bother me in the least; in fact that is really what thrills me most, to find a new nugget of truth.

But we're not talking prophecy here. At least, not yet.

I want to deal with Planet-X on two levels: 1) what to expect and why 2) how it is the most critical element in the Rapture, the Tribulation and The Day of the Lord, other than the Lord Himself, of course.

My main named source for this information will be scientist James McCanney. I could name many sources, and some whistle blowers, but I won't. I will give some information from ancient history sources from all of the major cultures, including some references to their prophecies based on what they learned from their own history. Of course the Bible is the only eschatological source of all truth, but we can still learn much from the experiences of ancient cultures, for context, etc.

James McCanney, first. I suspect he may be a Christian, but I can't be certain. He makes numerous statements alluding to scripture; on the other hand now and then he says something that makes me wonder otherwise. Now a black sheep in the science world, he may simply want to avoid further reasons for it to attack him (sly as a fox?). His books are available here. Books, Cd's, etc. are also available on his website HERE in the bottom third of the page. He also has a 32-page booklet written several years ago, Planet X Comets and Earth Changes, which goes into some detail, but not as much as his book(s). If you can't locate it, you can send an email (see his website); don't buy a bootleg copy. He wrote it; he earned it.

I was thrown off course several months ago when reading his website. He went on a rant about Elenin, and how it was nothing to worry about, and even back then I couldn't believe that. But, looking back now - and remembering that he is a scientist - I realize he completely separated Elenin from Planet-X itself. While Elenin may have been a harbinger, as referred to by the ancients, it was also a tool to be used by the Powers to throw everyone off track, which it did for the most part. Never have I run into so much disinformation, in spite of the fact that disinformation is everywhere. There are conspiracies within conspiracies. Great deception.

About James McCanney.  He went to St. Mary's University, receiving a in 1970 with a double major in physics and mathematics. After being offered full scholarships to three major US physics graduate
schools he chose to travel and teach Physics and Mathematics in Spanish in South America, spending a lot of time traveling to ancient ruins, studying firsthand at the digs. Also during this time he developed the basis for
his theoretical work that would later deal with the celestial mechanics of N-bodies and plasma physics. It was here also that he learned to appreciate the fact that the ruins and devastation he was witnessing had come from celestial events

With this new understanding Mr. McCanney returned and in 1973 earned his M.S. in nuclear and solid-state physics from Tulane University, turning down another full fellowship for a Ph.D., and returned to Latin America to study archeology and teach physics, mathematics and computer science in Spanish while continuing to explore the mysteries of celestial mechanics. In 1979 he joined the faculty of Cornell University, to teach physics. During this time he had access to daily NASA data from the Voyager I and II and other crafts. It was here he recognized that his theoretical work regarding the electro-dynamic universe was being confirmed in the NASA data.

At first his papers were published in the standard astrophysical journals, but soon he began to receive resistance, eventually not having published his theoretical work. He was then removed from his teaching position because of his beliefs regarding the electro-dynamic nature of the solar system. (This is the same story that keeps all educators in line, why over half of all scientists who do not believe in evolution will not say so, and on and on. This is how they maintain and perpetuate a multitude of lies.) He was soon rehired at Cornell University, continued to publish his papers in astrophysical journals, but once again he was blackballed and fired. This happened another time or two because of his conviction that the solar system was electro-dynamic rather than gravitational, which today is being proven correct on an ongoing basis by space-probes returning data from outer space. Many other more abstract concepts have also been verified.

Cornell was a repository of data for NASA. Armed with his existing theoretical work and this incredible source of information, and with the timing that coincided with the daily arrival of new data from the Voyager and other space craft from the far reaches of the solar system, he was in a totally unique position to do what he has done. Those of us who have worked in the field of education all of our lives as my husband and I have done are only too familiar with this story. Much of what you have been taught in school is a lie, and today it's worse than ever before. During one recent 10-year period nearly 90 respected educators were 'suicided' or died under odd circumstances for this very reason. Mr. McCanney must have a hand of protection on him. This has been going on for so long that traditionally trained professors themselves have no clue regarding the causes and effects of the Earth Changes.

McCanney says: "The fact is that all government employees, especially those at NASA, are under strict gag orders NOT to tell the public of impending disaster (to prevent a public panic)." This is common knowledge among researchers. He says further, "There is a tremendous amount of purposely placed misinformation and there are many people saying all sorts of incorrect information regarding howthe solar system works or what you may see during the approach, passage and aftermath of a Planet X type of object in the inner solar system." He goes into even more detail in his booklet.

He also says, "When Christ spoke of the end days in the Sermon on the Mount, as he recounted the days remembered in the ancient texts of the past world wide cataclysms, he stated 'do not store up goods or make
preparations, for it is your faith that will save you . . . liken yourselves to the birds of the fields who neither store grain nor build shelters. The father takes care of them so would he not likewise take care of you?' He also warned that the "learned men of the day will be paid to lead you astray." And they asked, "with all the misinformation, how would the common man know what to believe". His answer was simply, "you will know the truth when you hear it, for the truth is written in every man's heart." (I don't know what Bible version he used!)

We know from historical records and archaeological finds that there were great population centers across the globe. Millions of people perished in a huge cataclysmic event which destroyed entire civilizations. One of these events was, of course, the flood of Noah. But there were others.

Another one is on the horizon. A large object and its retinue has arrived in our solar system and all of the world governments have long ago taken major steps to prepare underground cities to protect the elites. They have stocked these for a possible stay of 50-100 years, complete with food, medical supplies and every other human need. They have kept this a secret and are essentially leaving the public to fend for themselves. Most will die in these caves however. One government official from Finland, as I recall, has a YouTube video telling about this. I guess he couldn't live with it. It is also very telling to note that most governments have made provision for their populace - but not the U.S. Government.

Jim McCanney says: "In addition to not telling the public, government officials have introduced complex misinformation campaigns meant to divert the public's attention from the real issues. Some of these are in the form of Internet web sites to create "cult-like" crazy groups that are "promoting Planet X dialogue" from people who claim to talk to aliens or get information from the dead. It is expected that 95% of the public will get their first information regarding "Planet X" from misinformation articles especially crafted for the news media and referring to the misinformation campaigns noted above. The goal has been to make the entire topic sound crazy and equate it to previous past "scares" such as Y2K, alignments of the planets and other government contrived stories. Another effort has been to admit some other made up story about an Earth "disaster" to gain the public attention, but then to place it thousands or millions of years into the future. This has always worked to fool the public.The question is not whether one or more large object(s) has come into the inner solar system; that is established fact. The only question is when will it be here?

While researching I asked myself why they would build underground cities. The old story was that it was for the 'emergency government' should we be attacked. Right. Who would dare attack the U.S. these days? And just how many cave cities do we require for an emergency government? We have many. And other governments have them, too. Then I heard that 'the elite' were scared out of their wits about Planet-X. I kept that bit of information tucked away in my mind. What could the U.S. Government possibly be afraid of if, as NASA says, there is nothing whatever to worry about? Then I remembered the scriptures that said they would try to escape God's Wrath by hiding in the rocks and caves. Bingo. They know more than what is coming; they know who is coming. And, ironically, they have built their own tombs.

The major thrust of McCanney's book is preparation, which must be done a year or more ahead of the crossing of Planet-X. He goes into great detail about not only the science of PX, but of preparation and what to do after it has passed. I will not be spending much time at all on either of those two subjects (preparation and after) because I believe it's a moot point. I think it's too late to prepare, and I don't plan to be here after it's gone. But with this foundation laid we will talk about everything else - the exciting part.

When will it come? No man knows of the time or place. But there are many advance signs that we know of from the ancients, and they have all occurred right on schedule for identifying PX. One of the major points the ancients stress is that after the signs, when it seems as if nothing more will be happening, it comes suddenly and without warning. Sound familiar? Only those who have prepared spiritually far in advance will have even the slightest chance of survival. That has been the case in times past, and that will once again be the case.

Part II tomorrow