
Friday, December 2, 2011

This Life Is A Test

It is fascinating to watch the 'new scientists' ("science so-called," as the Bible says) just now in the process of discovering that there is more to a human being than physical parts. A lot of this discovery is coming from the Dark Side, which has consistently been giving us new technology for many years - exploding after the Roswell incident. The problem with this method is, of course, that the scientists are being led down the Primrose Path designed to lead to spiritual disaster. This involves, among other things, tinkering with DNA, combining it with animal and plant DNA, leading to trans humanism and other evils, but not openly saying so. Some of the scientists do not comprehend where this is leading them; they are too busy being caught up in the joy of discovery.

Discovered by Russian research, it has been determined that all that 'junk DNA' isn't junk. Who knew? They have determined that proper frequencies (sound; language), and radio and light frequencies influence cellular metabolism, thus changing DNA. (That is why your DNA is changed when you are 'born again,' I believe.) Many scientist have been studying this, along with ... wait for it ... the U.S. Military! Our military - and others - are using robots, and part robot/part human - right now (as in the days of Noah).

The scientists were shocked to learn that certain inherited qualities can be passed down through multiple generations ... four generations (as the Bible tells us "down to the fourth generation"). They also now know that there is "fractal artistry" inherent in the way the body's veins and arteries are fashioned, that the body is a literal symphony rather than a mere application of blueprints. It is through this symphonic aspect of the DNA that a human being experiences the beauty of life: love, joy, etc., qualities of the spirit and soul. To explain this, one writer listed 30 isolated words which meant nothing out of context. Then he showed the 30 words in a poem. Quite a difference.

Certain of these scientists have discovered, too, that they can 'go' places out-of-body (just as their teachers, the entities, do). The DNA contains the material needed to do this (so they are told).  The theme of all this is that we have not yet 'evolved' to the higher state of the entities - but with their help we can! Evolve further, that is. Do you see how clever this is? Do you see why the religion of evolution is critical to Satan's program? These people are being cleverly manipulated.

There are good reasons why God did not want Adam and Eve to have all knowledge. With all knowledge, but no godly wisdom, humanity is manipulated in just the way described above, for starters. Humanity is not equipped to deal with heavenly knowledge. It will destroy itself every time. We must be tested first, before God will place cosmic knowledge under our control. Ironically, these very people who seek knowledge without wisdom will end badly. It will be the meek - those who choose to do things according to God's rules - who will end up with all of the knowledge, and it will be wisdom that got them there. There is only one source of wisdom, and that source is God. These new scientists are headed in a deadly direction.

Knowledge under the control of evil is even worse than knowledge lacking wisdom. This life is a school - a school for attaining wisdom. God is looking for soul mates to work in the cosmos for eternity. Only those who graduate will have the wisdom to be a player in His creation.