
Thursday, December 8, 2011

Planet X And The End Times - Part 4

Ancient historical accounts tell us that the passing of the object was an utter surprise to the people of Earth, with the exception of a few who were informed (as a few are informed right now). Those people, like those today, tried to prepare a cave shelter or type of boat (the Ark?). This massive object (said to be 4 times the size of Jupiter, this time) could not be seen because the Sun and its brightness obstructed any view of it, and the planet came from behind the Sun. On that occasion they had 40 days and 40 nights of rain, much of the water coming from 'up there.' The poles were shifted 25-30 degrees, and the population reduced to 8 persons that we know of. Those who survived wrote of it, and papyri have also been found which describe events which occurred before the writer perished. Animals and people who were flash-frozen with plant food still in their mouths have been discovered .

Did you learn about this in school? Was it in your history books? No. But why would they attempt to hide this historical information? Crazy explanations over crazy lengths of time (billions of years) have been substituted for the truth. Why? We don't know. But I believe Satan was behind this deception for his own purposes - perhaps to sell his religion of evolution, with a coordinating 'science' to match. All of this would allow him to concoct his own version of history to fit in with his own tale of events. We know that belief in evolution is a critical necessity for his version of things. Satan cannot allow man to have been created as God's highest work - humanity in God's own image! In Lucifer's program It's essential that man be denigrated and lowered to the status of an amoeba.  Satan had to corrupt that idea - that Godly image in which man was created. .

With this kind of massive impact on Earth we can now understand why the calendar was such an issue. Earth was unstable for perhaps several hundred years afterward. In order to eke out any kind of survival it was essential to grow food. Therefore a new calendar had to be established by tracking the planetary movements year after year until they got it right - the seasons, planting time, harvest time, etc. McCanney says this was the real reason for Stonehenge and other similar structures. He goes into great detail in his booklet showing how to do this, including diagrams. It's a real education. The first few months after such an event are crucial. Velikovsky's three books describes in detail what the ancients went through first hand under the most distressing situations man has ever faced in recent history. It is in the first months that a new calendar must be established, the planting cycle started and the rationing of available goods initiated.

As bad as the Great Flood was, and as devastating as the historical accounts, the Bible says that this time will be worse than any time in Earth's history. It seems impossible that anything could be worse, but it will be. With a new Planet X and its fellow travelers hovering in our own solar system at this very time there is no doubt whatever in my mind that this object will bring about the events discussed in the Bible prophecies. It has not escaped my attention that God uses weather far more than any other force to bring about His plans.The end times can be no exception.

It's a great irony that the societies of the poor and destitute, who have always lived with the least resources,. will be best prepared to survive. The societies which have lavished themselves with the use of the most resources (like us) will have the least chance to survive " . . .The first shall be last the last shall be first." Those that have depended on vaccines to prevent disease will be the most susceptible to disease. Those who have had the best diet and grown the largest will be hardest hit by a severely limited diet. Those who have become totally dependent on the infrastructure of modern society will be least able to cope without them.

This is why the government gives us misinformation. If they can convince you that PX is a crazy idea by 'conspiracy theorists' they can keep society totally dependent on their resources - totally under their control - enslaved.

So how will this Great Tribulation be worse than the Days of Noah? It will be worse because 1/3rd or so of humanity will survive. It would be better to die. They will not only survive, but they will be governed by Lucifer himself, under the most totalitarian government in the history of the world.  This is why the Bible says that men will seek death. If you think of all the consequences and ramifications of living under these kinds of circumstances it's easy to see why it will be a time worse than any other in the history of the world.

All of the histories and resulting predictions of all major cultures of the Earth have predicted the same date as related to all of this: December 21, 2012. There are a number of people who say that this is the wrong date. Where did these ancient pagans get this information? Yes ... from the Serpent. I suspect this is not the correct date. No one knows the day or the hour of the crossing of Planet X - or of the Rapture - or of the return of Christ to slay the Dragon. I believe, however, that these events are intimately related. And that the date is nearer than 12/21/12, based on cosmic events already occurring now.

Many of the whistleblower scientists who have talked have said that this object, "Planet X," is an 'intelligently guided' craft.people speaking to each other on this craft. It seems unlikely that people who would risk their lives to get the truth out to the public would say these things if they weren't true. Still, who can prove it? Messages coming from channelers say that those on the craft are the 'bad guys' and telling their New Agers that they may need to do battle with the occupants of this craft. All of this just adds yet another element of interest to the continuing saga of Planet X.

We will soon know the truth. We will soon have the answers.


For a number of other articles on Planet X, search the archives of this blog. There is much more. If time permits I will write more on this subject and more on what the ancient historical records have to say.

Meanwhile, I believe this adds to the anticipation that the bride of Christ has at this moment in time, and it is a goad to keep us busy doing the work of our Father in Heaven by spreading the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Keep looking up!