
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Part 1: Planet-X ... Nibiru ... Elenin ...

... Wormwood ... Nemesis ... THE DESTROYER.

It's all the same,  it's all true, and it's coming. And they don't want you to know, because it is all a part of the Grand Delusion.

This is the most difficult, most extraordinary subject to write about. It's impossible to know where to start, what to say, and how to end, and it's been causing me grief for days. But it must be addressed. And now ... even though I would like to have more time to research details and present them in a logical, orderly fashion. As long as I am still here (on earth) I will fill in more detail. I don't think that gives me much time, frankly.

The news of a new heavenly body - a planet, brown dwarf star, or something -  came out of NASA in 1982 or 1983. It was written about in a few scientific magazines, and NASA put out a few statements, and then nothing more was said. The scientific community had gotten its orders not to discuss it. And that led to occasional speculation over the past 25 years or so. .   

Then last spring a whistleblower appeared. He worked for a NASA Contractor (Boeing as I recall), he had information, and he was scared out of his wits. He put out anonymous information the very day he quit his job and left for 'parts unknown,' some "safe" place he had been preparing for himself and his family for some time. I blogged about this on 12/26/10 and 12/27/10, entitled "Something Is Coming, #1" and "Something Is Coming, #2." You may want to read those before reading this. In fact, I think it will be very helpful and add important information, because there is a spiritual aspect which I won't revisit. The links are HERE AND HERE.

After studying these things I have come to the conclusion that these various names all apply to the same object: Planet-X, Nibiru, Elenin, Nemesis are all the very same planetary object(s) - referred to in the Bible as Wormwood and the Destroyer. It is probably a huge star (larger than Jupiter, as I recall) which drags several smaller bodies along with it, after the fashion of a planet. This large celestial body has already penetrated our solar system and has already caused a number of huge earthquakes (Japan, Chile and Plane others). It will pass even much closer to Earth in late September and late October of 2011 and has the potential for horrendous consequences for us.

It is currently being tracked by NASA as it goes through the asteroid belt on its way into our inner solar system. Keep in mind that NASA is a tool of the New World Order crowd, which has given strict orders that noone involved is to discuss this, write about it, or give out information of any kind to the public. The world powers have known about this for a very long time. As with everything they do, they have 'worked it' to their advantage over the past years. One of their vehicles was the phony 'climate change' issue. As usual, they do not want the people to know the truth. Elenin will pass near enough to earth that it will actually be visible in the sky. Unfortunately, mankind may be too busy dealing with its effects - and too ignorant of the facts - to look up and see it.

This neutron star passes through our solar system every few thousand years in its regular cycle. Every time Earth, the sun, and Elenin are lined up, it has a powerful impact on earth. Let me give you a short list (there were many others) of the earthquakes it has caused just in the past year. These are the dates of the major alignments:
February 27, 2010: Elenin, Earth, Sun alignment, Chile's 8.8 earthquake, shift of earth's axis.
September 4, 2010, Elenin, Earth, Sun alignment, 7.2 earthquake in Christchurch, New Zealand..
March 11, 2011, same alignment, 9.0 Japan earthquake and tsunami.

On the above dates the object was much further away. This fall Elenin will be making the closest pass to Earth, devastatingly close, as follows:
1) September 29, 2011, same alignment. This is at the time of Rosh Hashanah, Feast of the Trumpets.
2) October 20, 2011, will be the closest pass to Earth, .236 AU. Earth will be side-by-side with Elenin, passing through Elenin's tail. This will occur during Sukkoth, the Feast of the Tabernacles.

When I discovered all of this the first question that entered my mind was: how, then, did HAARP fit into these earthquakes? There is no doubt that HAARP was involved. The incredibly ugly truth seems to be that the world powers know when these alignments will occur - and they work to increase the devastation of each event. I know this sounds crazy, but remember we are dealing with evil psychopaths here. What possible reason ('reason' is a word that cannot be applied to the NWO) could they have? I don't know, but I suspect this will accelerate their depopulation plan, and has the additional benefit of creating fear and chaos in the public. Remember that their plans are Satan's plans, and he is the author of confusion, and he seeks to destroy God's creation. So Satan and the NWO are on the same page ... they take orders from him.

That this will need to be a series of articles is evident. To be continued.....

Royal Heir