
Friday, March 19, 2010

Bored With The Bible

If you are fortunate enough to go to a church that preaches and teaches directly from the Bible every Sunday, cherish it. A church like this is getting very difficult to find.

Oh, it's okay for a church to base the sermon or class on Bible principles, but you'd better come up with something fascinating and clever PDQ or people will not be happy. This is the age of the tickled ear, and entertainment. People will not stand still for stories of people thousands of years ago unless those ancients happen to have a video on YouTube and a Facebook account.

After all, numbers are the all-important measurement for most church 'campuses' (as they must now be called), and if that means down-playing God's Word, then so be it.

This reality characterizes modern Christianity Lite. It's the reason our culture has gone straight downhill and is on the road to hell. It is one of the most tragic, saddest and most dangerous truths about our society.

Not only do people not want to hear the Bible in church, but most don't read it at home. If you asked them the reason, most would be embarrassed to say they are bored with it. They will think of an answer that doesn't sound so, well ... truthful.

People in the 21st Century are completely self-absorbed. Rather than listening to what God has to say, they prefer something that will make them feel good - preferably an environment amenable to expression of their own views or one that entertains them. There is very little interest in learning God's Word, and less interest in obedience to it. What does interest them is telling what they believe - no matter how far off base and wrong it is when held up to the white light of the truth of the Word.

There is no desire to learn because that implies that they don't already know it all. It's debasing to the self image. It's hard on their self esteem. It implies that their personal beliefs and opinions don't matter. Therefore, they don't want someone teaching or preaching to them. They'd rather the church showed an interest in their own concerns and give them an opinion to express themselves. Group therapy.

Most of all, people do not want to be told they must be obedient. How often do you hear someone say, "Well, the god I believe in wouldn't (fill in the blanks)." That's precisely the problem. The god they believe in is not the God of the Bible.

Throughout biblical history the worship pattern has been very clear and consistent. The teacher read the scriptures clearly, and then explained its meaning to the people, who received it humbly. Often these preaching/teaching sessions lasted for hours; often the people stood to hear it. It was accepted that this was God's very word to humanity, and the people revered and listened to it in an attitude of worship and repentance.

The consequences of disregard or disobedience to God and his revealed Word are clearly stated and seen time after time throughout the history of man on earth. They are ignorance, disobedience, disaster and death.

The Bible is the primary means through which God communicates to us. To my knowledge, he has not asked for our vote in the matter.

"He who hath ears to hear, let him hear."

Royal Heir