
Thursday, March 18, 2010

Earthquakes: God's Punishment

In January 2010 Haiti had a 7.0 earthquake. (See my blog, "Haiti, Voodo & Catholicism.")

Just recently Chile had an 8.8 earthquake, the fifth largest on record. The epicenter was in Concepcion, which is the largest community of Palestinians outside the Arab world, with a population of 4-500,000.

The largest earthquake ever recorded was in Chile in 1960. Its epicenter was near Valdivia - named after its founder, who founded Concepcion and Santiago. All of the aftershocks (over 100) have been in the heart of the Palestinian area, that area between Valdivia and Santiago.

Concepcion's 'twin city' is Bethlehem, where the Tomb of Rachel is located, recently named a Heritage Site by Netanyahu. The Palestinians have their knickers in a twist about this, even though Rachel and Leah were wives of Jacob, and all twelve tribes of Israel are the progeny of Jacob, his two wives and their two handmaidens. The Heritage Sites are the burial sites of the ancestors of the twelve tribes.

You don't need to read very deeply into the Old Testament before being struck by the fact that God uses weather-related means to bring punishment and justice to earth about 80% of the time.

Are Haiti and Chile worse than America? Or are we simply blind (as the Bible says will be the case)?

It might interest you to know that during a 24-hour period following both Presidents Bush and Clinton's application of pressure on Israel to trade land 'for peace' The U.S. experienced:

* the 10 costliest insurance events in US history
* the 12 costliest hurricanes in US history
* 3 of the 4 largest tornados in US history
* the 2 largest terrorism events in US history

....and scores of other events and catastrophes not listed above. These and much more are written about in William Koenig's book, "Eye to Eye - Facing the Consequences of Dividing Israel," at I have read the book ($12) and highly recommend it.

These events are no coincidence. God makes it crystal clear all through scripture that He is actively involved in the affairs of Israel. He has declared Jerusalem His city.

The United States appears to be on a collision course with God over our relationship with Israel. While we say we are a friend of Israel we side with her enemies on every issue. The Bible makes it clear that the land shall not be divided.

"And it shall come to pass in that day, that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem." Zechariah 12:9.

Read the book.

Royal Heir