
Saturday, March 20, 2010

"The Shack" - Another Tool of Satan

Written as a Christian book, supposedly by a Christian, this book is blatant heresy.

But, of course, that doesn't stop "Christian" pastors and leaders from recommending, and even reading from, the book. It seems to be a hot item in many churches. It has had a long run on many best seller lists, including the #1 spot of 2008 on the Christian Book website. It seems to have everything necessary to lend itself to a major motion picture deal.

That, my friends, is a sign of the times.

Even though it is a riveting and clever novel, the author clearly threaded doctrine throughout the book. Unfortunately, it is not Christian doctrine, but another satanic deception designed to discredit Christianity and mislead people. It has had huge success at doing just that.

So, what's the problem with it? Well, let me count the ways.

It is sacrilege from its inception. Almighty God is presented as a large woman known as "Papa" who communicates to people through sending notes. God is never portrayed as a human being in scripture. The book has the Holy Spirit portrayed as a woman. Jesus is a Jewish carpenter who is the best way "to know God," but not the only way. According to the book, when Jesus died on the cross, so did God Almighty. This is heresy (patripassianism).

This is blasphemy ... for starters.

Of God the Father:
"Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man..." (Romans 1:21-23a)

Of the Holy Spirit:
"...whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin”— Mark 3:29

Of Jesus:
"...Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father." John 14:9

The book manages to confuse the three Persons of the Trinity to the point of blasphemy and heresy, but also represents them as being 'a unity' with human beings, the theosophical belief of the New Age "all is one" belief.

Also thrown over the boat is sin - and the reality of punishment: eternal hell. I believe the author may be a universalist. The deceptions oppose every tenet of New Testament truth.

It is the almost complete lack of discernment in the Christian church, and the attendant lack of teaching of basic Christian doctrine, which has made it possible to so skillfully deceive people who call themselves Christian. This book is another example of Satan's counterfeit, but it will be Christian ministers and leaders that God will call to account, many of whom have endorsed this book.

This is apostasy, and the author is a heretic. This is evil.

Royal Heir