
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Satan Has A Bride, Too

Her name is The Great Harlot, and she is the spiritually unified apostate new world order church residing within the Protestant, Catholic and Greek Orthodox churches. You can read about her in Revelation 17.

The Roman Catholic Church has been involved in spiritual harlotry since the church's inception. She came directly out of the old pagan religions of Rome, Greece, Babylon, etc., and put on Christian trappings in order to capitalize on the new and growing Christian church of the first century. While there have no doubt been true Christians in Roman Catholicism, it has been an adulteress from its beginnings. During the Great Inquisition it killed millions of true Christians, and if you read the doctrine of the RCC you will find that it is in direct opposition to Jesus Christ and to the true Holy Bible-KJV (not the doctored Catholic Bible).

Even a non-Christian can easily figure this out by taking a cursory look at what goes on in the Catholic Church. It's rotten financial tentacles connect with every country in the world, since it is not only a religious institution, but it is also a political state. Her corruption and immorality is legendary.

Look at its trappings and compare it with the church of the disciples in the first century. They were not called "Father" (which the Bible expressly tells us not to do), they were not wealthy, and they made every effort to live holy lives with obedience to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. They did not form a political state, build large cathedrals, collect art and other antiquities, or mix pagan rituals with Christ's doctrine. They also did not wear wildly elaborate costumes carried over from the mystery religions of Babylon - with rituals to match.

All of the above applies to the Greek Church, too.

There was always a true church over the centuries, though scattered and small in numbers. These were the Bereans. Then when Martin Luther came along, and near the same time when the true Bible was made available to the common man, people left the Catholic Church in droves and formed the various Protestant churches.

So how did the Protestants fare?

Although they formed many varied organizations due to their usually minor differences, they eventually began to be infiltrated by undercover RCC Jesuit scholars who over time filled the Protestant pulpits, took over seminaries, teaching, and recently all of the Christian publishing houses in order to peddle their false 'translations' of the Bible. All of this is well documented fact. This was the Roman Catholic Church's program to reverse the Reformation. This engendered the era of the "scholarly criticism" (of the true faith) and resulted in the mainline Protestant churches succumbing to an apostasy that is now virtually complete. Within the past 15-20 years almost all Protestant decnominations - even most fundamentalists - have been taken over by false doctrine, false teachers and heresy.

Both Catholic and Protestant churches are almost fully apostate in 2013. Many true believers, recognizing that the Bible is no longer preached in their churches, are like stray sheep wandering around trying to find a shepherd, a true church, other true believers. This has all solidified within the past ten years. I have watched it with my own eyes, and experienced it. Enoch, writing to the saints of the last days, wrote about this phenomena, and when I first read it 10-15 years ago I couldn't relate to him as he watched this small flock wandering around without leaders in the end times. He was quite frantic about what he saw. Now I see it with my own eyes.

This is the Great Harlot, the counterfeit church, the bride of Satan. He and his bride (who he hates and despises) will go to eternal punishment together. The New Age guru writers from 75-100 years ago predicted this very thing, that 'moles' would infiltrate Christ's church.  Satan's Plan was never to fight the church; it has always been to change it from within, to make it a counterfeit of the real thing. In that, he has been stunningly successful. All of these counterfeit churches are uniting into one New World Order Church - the Great Whore.

The Bride of Christ, however, knows its Lord and His voice, and He knows His faithful remnant by name. So, make sure you are on the narrow path so that you will not hear, "Depart from me; I never knew you," but rather, "Well done, thou good and faithful servant!"

There will be many 'shepherds' in Hell. It's no wonder that Christ asked Peter three times, "Do you love me? Then, feed My sheep."

We are His sheep, we recognize His voice, and we will see Him in person - SOON!

Keep the Faith!