
Saturday, March 9, 2013

New Pope, Obama & Mabus in Jerusalem at Passover?

An incredible conjunction of individuals and events is occurring within days. The above three persons are said to be expected in Jerusalem at the same time - around Passover. 

First, Mr. Obama is going to Israel on March 20 - a week before Passover (just as Christ did) - and he will be accompanied by Roy Mabus, US Sec'y of the Navy, appointed by Obama. Mabus is the name of the antichrist in Nostradamus' prophecy. Hmmm. I've never heard the surname, Mabus, in my entire life. It almost seems staged. Certainly beyond coincidence, even though I put Nostradamus Prophecy in the minor leagues of prophecy (compared to my own Source, the Bible, which does not mention a 'Mabus').  Two impeachable sources have actually said that Obama will ride into Jerusalem on a donkey ... I'll need several more UNimpeachable sources to buy that. Still, anything and everything is possible - even probable. 

Next, it seems unusual to create a special logo for one overseas trip ... but here it is. The video below is good if you have time. According to sources, the logo has written in Hebrew, "Alliance of Nations" or "A Covenant of Peoples." Take your pick. My version might say, "A covenant with many..."

The logo, with seeming components of the US Flag and the Israeli Flag, features the Star of David, or some would call it the star of Pan (Satan). The Pan-STARR Comet will be closest to earth tomorrow, 3/10. Some consider this comet the star of Satan ... and STARR brings to mind those notorious stars, the fallen angels. And speaking of heavenly beings Comet ISON (I, Son?) is in the neighborhood.  NASA can name these heavenly bodies anything at all, but some of these could be planets in the Planet-X mini solar system. It's hard to be sure with so much 'disinformation dust' flying in our faces all the time.

Before I forget, let me mention the new pope to be elected within the next week or so. There is another "prophecy" - this time through a Catholic visionary - who claims to be speaking for Mary. He says that the new pope will be assassinated while in Jerusalem, shortly after his installment as pope. If any of it happened to be true, this new pope would be in Jerusalem at the same time as Obama, Mabus, etc.  It is widely rumored that this will be the final pope, and he will be in league with Satan.  I can't locate it right now, but within the last week or so there was a news article about the Vatican making arrangements with Israel to have access to the "Passover Room" where Christ spent his last meal with the disciples.

Why do I read any of these "prophecies," you ask? Because they are all coming from the Dark Side. As a combatant in this spiritual war I want to know what they are pushing, what their tactics and strategies are. It has been extremely helpful in warning of coming deceptions.  As I've often stressed, however, I advise people NOT to read or seek out these things. They can be extremely dangerous, and unless you have been well-grounded in the Faith for many years and spend a lot more time in God's Word and in prayer than in reading such things, you can be asking for big trouble. Stay away from it. In my case I have been studying the occult for many years and I believe the Lord has given me knowledge and insight over the years for the very purpose He has set out for me personally for this particular time. Even so, it is perhaps not without a cost.

The Lord has something very special for each one of His followers; we each have a duty to discover what His purpose is and stick with that purpose. Remember, we are the body of Christ. That consists of eyes, ears, arms, legs, everything. Each of these parts of the body has a different assignment and different gifts. Never seek to follow someone else. Follow Jesus Christ! Stay very near to Him.

                                           ROYAL HEIR