
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The New World Secret Satanic Capitols

So much to say ... no time to say it.

90% of the people of the world have no clue. No knowledge of the truth. They live in little boxes of reality which they have had created for them. And we are simply out of time. Reality is being shattered as I write. It's impossible to attempt to bring people up to date in any way. In spite of that, I ran across Freeman, who I haven't followed for a couple of years, but to a researcher he must not be omitted. I love his objectivity, but he is a humanist and therefore he is lacking Truth that only comes from God Himself, which He gives only to His loyal followers. Therefore, I advise you to ignore Freeman's references to the Bible and prophecy; he does inadvertently get some of it right, but only due to his innate objectivity and human logic; he has no covert agenda.

This video is a very quick trip through "where we are." Whether you have a clue or not, it is interesting. And true. Other than the humanist philosophy. I am deeply familiar with every subject he covers, and it is a great recap, if any recap could possibly cover enough to really enlighten a person. Which it couldn't.

If you aren't sure you want to spend an hour, go to 18:34 and take a look; then decide. You can watch it below or at either of the links below the video. It was so popular that I had trouble getting it to run consistently yesterday, but I viewed the entire thing with no problem today.

All I have to add is that you will soon be meeting your Creator. It would be wise to be prepared.


The people perish for lack of knowledge.