
Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Lunar eclipse, Weather, Nibiru/PX, Rapture ...

I posted a short blurb about the Nov 13 total solar eclipse and today's (Nov 28th) penumbral lunar eclipse. I take these as auspicious signs in the heavens, although I won't claim to know what they mean, exactly. It seems to me that it's more than coincidence that we are getting major weather warnings all round the world for the next few days.

I do believe that we are seeing harbingers ...  Russia has moved a ship into the Gulf near Israel, we all know about Gaza, Syria has people of every bent running around amidst chemical weapons, Morsi has virtually declared himself the dictator of Egypt, and Obama/Morsi/Israel are actually talking in serious tones about several nations renewing a couple of old 'peace' agreements. I always say that real life is more bizarre than any fiction. Stir in the eclipses and the first actual Nibiru sightings unaided by infrared telescopes (not to mention the EU financial talks) and I do believe that all of these things will erupt within a very short period of time, some almost simultaneous.

I also believe that the primary hope of the Christian may lead the way --- I refer to the Blessed Hope, of course ... The Rapture!  As a matter of coincidence only, I will add that the chattering channelers are speaking almost daily about the Rapture - not always using that term, but are warning their New Agers not to be shocked or concerned if some of their acquaintances 'disappear,' "since we are all on different vibrational levels..."  Let's hope so.

ALERT HAARP Severe Weather Warning Australia over next 48 hours (11 Min vid below)

This video may be mildly interesting to weather fans, and he is the primary source I use from Australia, mainly because he knows Nibiru/PX, which we all know will be first seen from Australia ... and on this YouTube video, under the video he writes that ...
"Nibiru has just shown her terrifying brightness to me and I am beginning tracking it now as it is in my sights and I will be bringing you the Proof in the next day or so. Although Filming has already begun I am going to release it on Sunday along with the exact Latitude and Longitude coordinates and an Easy IPhone compass app to locate Nibiru."
If you want to be on his YouTube video distribution list go to: and subscribe to his videos, of which he sends out very few. There are just a few sources I trust for Nibiru/PX information, and he is one of them.

...and then there is this article:

If you are interested in following live, 24-hr updates on world earthquakes, I keep this site open all the time: Click here.

Live HAARP activity is here.

And here is a great site for following your local weather.  HERE.