
Friday, December 7, 2012

Christians & Others: The Rapture is Imminent ...

... it always has been. The imminency of the Rapture has been a doctrine of Christianity for 2000 years. For more on this doctrine one source has written of it's definition HERE.

I'm on a roll now. Evidently my research is finished, and the Lord has lit a fire under me to write. And write, I will.

You will now be bombarded on every side with fear and panic news ... including the previously mentioned Russian and Chinese troops, US military being kept under lock and key from protecting the nation, zombie attacks, food poisoning, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. The full treatment will be thrown out upon us. Oh, and including of course, that Great God of America will collapse; that would be FINANCIAL COLLAPSE. And... we haven't even mentioned the Middle East.

IGNORE IT ALL if you are a part of the Body of Christ. Oh, it will happen alright, but not for us. We are leaving. Non-Christians, consider carefully and make your choice. It is the last choice of consequence you will make. EVER.

The evil powers that control this world have delusional ideas of actually interfering with this Event of God Himself. They believe they can continue their power and control by intimidating Christians and preventing actual heavenly activities from being entirely successful, based on what they think they know.

Unfortunately for them, they do not know what they DO NOT KNOW. God has allowed them in their arrogance to labor under illusions of things to come, but He has revealed information to the Church of which the powers on earth are not privy. They will be the first casualties resulting from the Great Delusion which God is now initiating, preparing to place on those who have not placed their faith in Jesus Christ.

The old realities of this earth are beginning to disintegrate, to be replaced by the great delusion. One can see evidence of it on the forums and blogs, and it is descending upon the lost with shocking speed. Their entire frames of reference are seemingly changing overnight - exchanging the age old truths for the lies. I never thought I would live to see the beginnings of this. 

As the new great delusional reality covers the earth, we will be leaving - exchanging this physical for that transformed, new changed body which we have so longed and looked for,  to our new place which Our Lord has prepared for us.
The magnetosphere and the earth atmosphere are rapidly changing in order to accommodate the magnetic and electrical requirements needed for taking us through the grand portals to the higher plane.  In the twinkling of an eye.

I wish I knew the hour; only the Father does. I do, however, know the signs, the times, and what the Spirit is urging me to do. And that's what I'm doing.


NOTE: You no doubt noticed that the video on my blog yesterday "had been removed by user." Actually, it was a 12/6/12 video of Planet-X/Nibiru from Australia, where it can now be seen with the naked eye. Certain of these videos are taken down by "the Powers" (including NASA) almost as soon as they are posted. They can only hide it for so long. It is here.
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