
Sunday, June 17, 2012

Has The Lord Forgotten Us?


Right now we Christians are on center stage. The spotlight is on us. We are the only reason that all hell hasn't broken loose on earth ... because it's ready to do just that.

If you could see across that thin veil that separates us from the other dimensions you would see that we are being watched with great interest by the largest audience in the history of the entire cosmos. 

God, of course, who knows each one of us, and every thought we have, is watching us. The angels are waiting to see what will happen next, and specifically how you and I will react to each of the final steps leading up to the great Tribulation period. The angels are very busy, too - attending to us in our needs - as they did when Paul was in prison for instance. The saints of all ages have their eyes on us - yes, even those who have died and have not yet had their bodies raised; they are watching. They have a huge stake in this, too, and are no doubt excited beyond words, doing such things as wondering how God decided to choose each one of us specifically to live on earth at this cosmic moment. They are awaiting the resurrections of their own bodies, when they will meet us in the atmosphere.

And Christ is eagerly awaiting His bride - the Church.

We are also being watched by Satan and his team, some of who are waiting to get out of the dimensional pit in the middle of earth in order to play their final dastardly roles. There are also millions upon millions of demonic presences 'in the air,' and there are also millions right here on earth, many embodied in those humans of power in politics, religion, the media, the militaries, and in other positions of influence. Some entities are desperately trying to 'get in' on the action - they are courting the New Age people around the clock - but some of those people are beginning to get a little leery about those lying spirits, even though they attempt to lure with  words so sweet that honey drips from whatever passes as their lips.

You might say that the population of the entire Cosmos is parked right above (and below) the earth ... as near as they can get until God gives the Word that dimensions may be crossed. His Word reigns above all. When He says the Word, the Church and Satan's People will be as ships literally passing in the night. It's going to be a very busy moment.

Yes, we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses. Other than the death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ, this is the absolute culmination of God's Plan. Literally everyone is watching. Think of it as the Spiritual Super Bowl if that helps. (Whatever works, for the pragmatists.)

Therefore, we should not be preoccupied about earthly things any more than circumstances require, even though they may be screaming at us for attention. They are merely distractions. There is absolutely no need for fear. This should be a time of unparalleled anticipation for the things that are about to take place! Those watching are giving us more support than any group of people in history has received. 

Except the enemy camp ... which hates us beyond all human comprehension. This is the very reason we need to keep our spiritual powder dry and our full armor on, clean and shiny, soon to be replaced by white linen robes of righteousness. The enemy would love to see us dead, dead, dead - but will settle for gone, gone, gone.

We - the Christians - are the huge impediment to their plans. Apparently we have caused them even more trouble than they had anticipated. Keep up the good work! So never tire, never fear, never get bogged down with the cares of life, never take your eyes off our Lord and Redeemer, Jesus Christ - and make excellent use of every minute and every circumstance in which you find yourself, sharing the Gospel and snatching unbelievers right out of the fire. You are being prayed for by Heaven itself, where our conversation is (or certainly should be).

Yes ... we are surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses! Make them proud of your faith and commitment; it will bring glory to God since it is through Him that we live, and breathe, and have our being. Your reward waits for you.

I've waited my whole life for this moment. I've always known I would be right here ... right now. It's the greatest honor I could ever dream of to be a part of the Church of the Last Day! 

We can do all things through Christ, who strengthens us. 

The battle was already won at the cross. We have just a few last skirmishes. Remember, the Lord is not only watching - he's with us. He will sustain us. Keep your eye and focus on Jesus Christ, who has promised never to leave us or forsake us.

We're headed for the finish line. 

Headed For Heaven 

NOTE: Please read the important post below this one.