
Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Dark Ark ... Another Luciferian Deception

The Dark Side is now counterfeiting Noah's Ark! 

I was reading a few of the websites I normally visit, opened a link to one of the channeled messages, and what should my wondering eyes behold ... but a huge picture of Noah's Ark - animals and all. 

Having never before heard this particular 'Ark line' coming from the Dark Side, I began to read and actually broke out laughing. It seems there is very little in the Bible that Lucifer is failing to 'lift' for his own use.

The message was warning that just as there was great flooding on the earth at the time of Noah, we will be seeing similar floods on earth in the near future.  And, that just as people were rescued by entering Noah's ark, they are now offering their arks for those who wish to secure their safety from the rising waters during this period. They have accommodations for millions of people. It's pretty hard to believe that people would actually take them up on this offer.

They say: "There will be plenty of time and plenty of room for everyone to board our arks that we will supply you, just as we supplied Noah..." I think it was at that line that I laughed. It's far from being a laughing matter, though. They say that their arks are very large, very comfortable, have very advanced technology and are very beautiful, and that we would have the added benefit of being with family (referring to themselves).

There is one thing they said which is true, that there we can expect no safety or provisions whatsoever from the government. That is all too true. They fail, however, to mention that for the most part they are The Powers That Be.

It will be up to each individual to make his choice, to go or not to go on an ark.

The floods to which they refer are the activities of Planet-X & Company, a subject which is still taboo in the world of 'science.' I fully expect that one of the PX objects will cause floods and other weather anomalies in the near future. I also believe that the Rapture and the ascending/descending of the Luciferians will occur in that same time frame. 

The message did not indicate a specific time.