
Saturday, February 11, 2012

2012 and the Antichrist

It stands to reason that Satan is prepared for the struggle of the Last Days and has put into place a system such that if it were possible it would deceive even the very elect. We are able to distinguish the battleground and get clues of the time frame from what he has told his own demonic disciples.

There is a work called Apollyon Rising 2012 - which we have, and highly recommend - written by Thomas Horn, and it deals with a number of aspects of 2012 that are of significance. The work compiles a series of ancient prophecies and some of the details from Malachi Martin’s work Windswept House. We have been fans of Malachi Martin for years and have all of his books. It is believed that he was murdered because of the secrets he revealed in his writings.  This post will explain the date of 2012 in the Mayan and other prophecies and calendars, including a prophecy from the Zohar, which Horn’s work also covers.

The Great Seal of the US is the key to the structure and military of the New World Order and of the US Masonic system. This system's takeover of the Vatican by Satanists and Freemasons is the topic of the work of Martin and also of Horn, along with the sequence and timings. We believe the US Government and military, along with the political authority of Great Britain (and perhaps British offshoots such as Australia and Canada), along with certain member nations of the EU - which is in the process of breaking up - will settle into a final alliance of the ten toes. The headquarters may be in one of several places, and will certainly include Jerusalem. And perhaps even ancient Babylon. Or Europe...Basil... Or D.C. The Beast Power (this 10-nation alliance), I believe, is now readied by Satan and his supporters, for world control. [Please note that these are my own opinions, are not meant to be dogmatic, and are fluid, as events unfold. It seems that most prophecy students have wisely adapted flexibility as a sensible stance. The details could emerge in a variety of ways.]

The Vatican and 2012

Malachi Martin (mentioned above), an insider in the Vatican for many years, wrote (in novel form) a true account (his own words on a radio interview) of the actual, literal enthronement of Lucifer in the Vatican - and simultaneously in a prominent diocese in South Carolina -  on the 33rd parallel [a sacred number] during a Black Mass satanic ceremony. It was controlled by Roman Catholic prelates in communication continually with the ceremony in the Vatican. It was truly a Satanist ritual conducted by Satanists within the Roman Catholic Church both in the Vatican and in the US. It was held in the “targeting chapel,” as it was called. It was conducted in the basement of a local parochial school properly furnished for the occasion. The ceremony involved the things that were necessary but which could not be conducted in the chapel in the Vatican such as sacrifice and child rape and the cacophony of satanic noise necessary to the service.  This happened on June 29, 1963. 

The ceremony was conducted in accordance with Satanist prophecy that foretold that the Time of the Prince would be signaled when a pope would take the name of the Apostle Paul. That requirement was the signal that the “Availing Time” had begun (Martin, p. 7). Paul VI was that pope. The number VI of itself had occult significance. The name John-Paul was a continuation of the Availing Time. The Availing Time was the period from the enthronement of Lucifer in 1963 for one jubilee period of 49.5 years until 21 December 2012, with 2013 being the end of the Jubilee in the Year of the Serpent.

Martin wrote the work because he was most concerned over the total penetration of the Roman Catholic Church by Satanists whose aim was to control and destroy its influence by sex scandals and paedophilia and corruption.  Explains a lot, does it not? His writings cover geopolitics brilliantly, and gives great insight into the relationships between the Vatican, the U.S. and other nations, weaving the political and religious into a tight tapestry. The book is Windswept House (Broadway, NY, 1996)

2012 is the also the date for the sun cults. We will briefly examine the major pagan prophecies, not because we necessarily believe in their accuracy as such, but because the unanimity of certain predictions seem beyond mere coincidence. We do know that the dark powers have a general knowledge of the 'times and seasons' ("....have you come before the time?" the demon asked Jesus). And we are admonished in scripture to know the times and seasons in which we live and to continually "watch."

There are plenty of signs to watch right now. Syria looks to be the next nation to fall - shades of Ezekiel. The Middle East is ripe for all kinds of war, precipitated by the great powers of this world. Israel is in the midst of enemies on all sides; its situation could hardly be more precarious.  That it exists at all is one of the great miracles in all of history. We have seen strange sights in the skies increasing exponentially around the world, and it appears we have more demonic contact with humanity right now than in all of history, and certainly controlling the nations and militaries of the world (Cosmic Top Secret). Additionally, we can literally see the decreasing influence of 'the restrainer.' We believe that the two witnesses will be here during the first 3-1/2 years of the Tribulation, but no one seems to have spotted them yet - in Jerusalem and in sackcloth.

The Mayan Calendar System

It is too complex a system to go into detail here, but it calculates the time of the current creation age as 5125 solar years, after which gods will return to earth in the Great Year 2012.

Indian Rattlesnake Prophecy

The Cherokee Indians have a calendar system to which Horn refers in his work as the Cherokee Rattlesnake Prophecies of 1811-1812, which predicts the return of the feathered serpent god, Quetzelcoatl, in the year in which the calendar ends - 2012.  Horn says this is to be when astronomical phenomena related to Jupiter, Venus, Orion and Pleiades cause the powers of the star systems to awaken.

A portion of the rattlesnake prophecy is as follows:

“At this time [2012] of the fingers striking Jupiter that [the] Orion star system will awaken. And the Pleiades and Orion will war once again as in old. Jupiter and Venus will awaken to its destiny of Time/Untime of cycles. Orion will war with Pleiades, Jupiter will war with Venus... In the year... 2012 an alignment will take place both on the Cherokee calendar and in the heavens of the Rattlesnake Constellation... It is the time of the double headed serpent. It is the time of the red of Orion and Jupiter against the white blue of Pleiades and Venus... In the year ... 2012 the Cherokee Rattlesnake Constellation will take on a different configuration. The Snake itself will remain; however, upon the Rattlesnake shall be added upon its head feathers, its eyes will open and glow, wings spring forth as a winged rattlesnake. It shall have hands and arms and in its hands shall be a bowl. The bowl will hold blood. Upon its tail of seven rattles shall be the glowing and movement of Pleiades.

The Rattlesnake shall become a feathered rattlesnake or feathered serpent of Time/Untime. And upon the Rattlesnake is also the Milky Way. A crossing of the Milky Way shall be seen at these times [2012]. And the Cherokee Calendar shall end in the year 2012... [with] the coming of the Pale One once again.”

The end of the Calendar of the Mayans is generally held to be December 21, 2012, as is the calendar of the Cherokee.

2012 and the Aztecs

The discovery of the Aztec Calendar Stone in Mexico in the old site of the Tenochtitlan Temple below the Mexico City Cathedral, on whose site it stands, shows further explanation of the date. The Spaniards had buried it there and it was rediscovered in 1790. The date December 21, 2012 is the end of the Fifth Age (the last age) of the Sun god.

Horn has a terrific section on this in his book. He shows how the Jesuits and the Freemasons were working hand in hand to decorate the Capitol Dome in Washington DC with the occult symbols found in Mexico. This is not speculation. It is all backed by factual sources.
The U.S. Capitol Dome and the Obelisk

The Capitol Dome and the Obelisk are used for the purpose of deifying Presidents to the rank of a god. Horn says that every President goes through a secret ceremony, is deified and ascends into the Womb of Isis, which is in fact the purpose of the Dome and its decorations. Each ceremony since that of George Washington is to see them reach their apotheosis, or their deification, and each ceremony is merely preparatory for the final apotheosis in 2012, which is actually written into these structures. The obelisk is 111 feet under the ground, rising 555 feet above ground, for a total of 666 feet.

The dome and the obelisk represent Isis and Osiris; the female and male principles. The obelisk at St Peters is the exact one that was at Heliopolis, the Temple at On, and the one dedicated to Ra/ Osiris and Isis. The dome and obelisk on the Capitol represent the same system.

The dome of the Capitol was painted by the Italian artist, Brumidi, who was commissioned and worked under Jesuit control. He was sent to Mexico City to the Cathedral to copy the Aztec Calendar stone; he then returned to Washington and began working for the Freemasons in the decoration of the ceiling of the Dome on which he painted all the pagan gods and the Aztec calendar stone, which is engraved denoting its end in 2012. The Jesuits worked hand in hand with the Masons and have done for centuries. Washington’s body was never placed there, but is an ongoing symbol of Apotheosis, or the making of a deity and its resurrection to the heavens as a god.  

I Ching

Another strikingly similar prediction for December 21, 2012 came from ancient Chinese texts, I CHING, which originated in ancient Shan dynasty of China. The I CHING has influenced countless Chinese philosophers, artists and even business people throughout history.  There are 64 possible combinations, with 64 answers for each hexagram. Every answer the I Ching gives is completely individualized and personal; its meaning emerges from the relationship between questioner, question and answer.

The Doomsday prediction came out of I – CHING when Terence McKenna came in touch with the book. He noticed a unrecognized pattern in the 64 combination when he arranged the 64 hexagrams in a graph. It could accurately point out all the events of the past with highs and lows of his graph. The graph begins from the period of I CHING's creation at China’s Shan dynasty, which he called TIME WAVE ZERO. The most amazing thing about his graph is the fact that it ends on Dec 21, 2012, and when he plotted the graph he was not aware of the Mayan Calendar or the date 2012.

Webbot Project

The Webbot project, which began 10-12 years ago, has been picking up background chatter on the internet and began producing dates of catastrophes from the word frequencies. It predicted September 11, 2001 in June 2001, and predicts global devastation in late December 2012 (Horn, p. 309). What is most likely is that the events of September 11 were discussed on internet traffic and the webbot began compiling the background data.The creator of the Webbot admits that the margin for error is very high.

2012 and the Zohar

The Kabbalist work of the Zohar (book of mystical Judaism) was produced over 700 years ago and was written in medieval Aramaic. It contains mystical commentary on the Pentateuch. In addition to commentary on Scripture, in the “Vaera” Section (Vol. 3, Sect. 34) includes “The signs heralding the Mashiach (Messiah).” The Zohar predicts the appearance of the Messiah in late 2012. Since the Jews did not accept Jesus as Messiah, this would actually be the appearance of the Antichrist. The Kabbalists are extremely occultic in nature.  Horn said that he had a discussion with J.R. Church (now deceased) of Prophecy in the News regarding the Zohar. Church was of the opinion that it signalled the Time of Jacob’s Trouble. The Great Tribulation, according to the Zohar, will commence in 2012 (Horn, p. 313). For Tom Horn discussing this prophecy and more (including a link to his book) go HERE. Begin at 19:47 if you're in a hurry. I highly recommend this book. It is a real eye opener.

 Saint Malachy 

According to the prophecies of Malachy, a 12th Century monk, who has predicted 111 Popes correctly, in order and by their names and/or descriptions, predicted that after the current Pope Benedict, the next Pope, Peter the Roman, will be the last pope presiding at the time of the destruction of Rome (which I believe will be accomplished by the NWO - and soon.) Named Pius XIII (13), according to Catholic prophecy, he will leave Rome over the bodies of his priests. The number 13 is the esoteric and occult number of rebellion. While he did not indicate the year, Pope Benedict (#111) is rumored to be resigning in April of this year - 2012.

 As in the days of Noah

The comments in Mathew 24 talk about the days of Noah, which were characterized by extreme wickedness; the earth was filled with generations of the offspring of fallen angels (who are today tampering with human/animal DNA); and strange heavenly signs are appearing as they did at the end of that other 'aeon' or age, Noah's time. Interestingly, Jesus used the word for 'aeon' which indicates the 'end of the age.' This could be a direct reference by Christ to the cycles of time, and the end of the current cycle (which is 2012).
2012 in the Chinese system

2012 is the Year of the Dragon and 2013 is the year of the Snake. 

The next Sabbath Year .... is 2012

So, what does all this mean?

Your guess is as good as mine. I know that all of the above occult pagan religions had their source, not from Almighty God, but from Lucifer. We know he's a liar and a deceiver ... and a meticulous planner. We know that he has access to heavenly knowledge above and beyond what we have - about certain things. We also know that he does not know the day nor the hour when Christ will return. Not even Jesus Himself knew that. We know that he understands the times and the seasons better than most of us do.

We know that we are very near the end. Maybe the false messiah will indeed come this year, in 2012. 

Personally, I believe there is a high possibility the Antichrist will begin his reign this year, but I may be wrong.  In the meantime, we need to seize every opportunity to spread the gospel, and make our prayer and Bible study top priority.

And continue to watch. And wait.

Even so, come Lord Jesus