
Sunday, February 12, 2012

2012 and the Antichrist - Part 2

Objectives of Satan’s Plan

The plans of Satan are revealed through his servants in the realm of the occult.

The American General, Albert Pike, had been enticed into the Illuminati by Guiseppe Mazzini. In 1871, Pike, as 33rd degree Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry’s Southern Jurisdiction, to which he had been elected in 1859, completed his military blue print for three world wars and multiple revolutions throughout the world.

WWI: Objectives: To destroy the Tsar of Russia. The Tsar was to be replaced with Communism, which was to be used to attack religions, especially Christianity. The war was to be fomented by playing the British and Germans off against each another.

WWII was to be used to foment the controversy between Fascism and Political Zionism. The Holocaust was used to advance anti-German sentiment. The purpose was to destroy Fascism, increase the power of Zionism, and also to raise the power of Communism to equal the combined Christian world. The combined Christian world in the meantime was to be infiltrated by Occultists and Illuminists in all areas and at all levels. The US was a key in this satanic misuse of Christianity as was the Roman priesthood.

The post-WWII period was used to advance this aspect most effectively. These aspects were not originally disclosed as part of the Pike plan but were the background of Satan’s plan for the end result.

WWIII was to be used to play the Muslims off against the political Zionists, and destroy the Christian world by induced conflicts forced by the occultists among their leaders and controlling classes into a state of mental, physical, spiritual and economic exhaustion.

On 15 August 1871 Pike wrote a letter, now in the British Museum, to Guiseppe Mazzini stating the following:

“We shall unleash the nihilists and the atheists and we shall provoke a great social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to all nations the effects of absolute atheism: the origins of savagery and most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the people will be forced to defend themselves against the world minority of the world revolutionaries and will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation and the multitudes disillusioned with Christianity whose spirits will be from that moment without direction and leadership and anxious for an ideal, but without knowledge where to send its adoration, will the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer be brought finally into public view.

A manifestation which will result from a general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and Atheism; both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” (cf. also A.C. Hitchcock, The Synagogue of Satan, RCP 2009, pp. 73-75)

Pike was the most powerful Freemason in America and remained so until 1891. In his work Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Scottish Freemasonry, Pike clearly stated the satanic objectives of Freemasonry. He held the Rite to be the worship of Lucifer, but such knowledge is confined to the 28th to the 32nd degree officers.

He said in Morals and Dogma, “The true name of Lucifer, the Kabbalists say, is that of Yahweh reversed: for Satan is not a black (evil) god, but the negation of God...For the initiates this is not a Person but a Force, created for good,  but which may serve for evil. It is the instrument of Liberty and Free will...

LUCIFER, the Light-bearer! Strange and mysterious name to give to the Spirit of Darkness! Lucifer, Son of the Morning! Is it he who bears the Light, and with its splendours intolerable blinds feeble, sensual or selfish Souls? Doubt it not!” (ibid., p. 75).   

Do not doubt that these three world wars were planned 120 years ago by an American Freemason in America and that system has ever since worked to that end as have all its successors and hirelings, including the media.

The current actions against Islam are but a long planned event and the hysteria raised against Islam and Communism in the West from the US is a planned strategy of the occultists in the service of Satan, the US  aided by those in the British Commonwealth. 

Numerical Structure of the Occult

The numbers that are of high significance to the fallen angels are 33 and 13. The number 33 is derived from the fact that Satan took one third of the angels with him. That’s the reason the Masonic compass and square is set to exemplify 33 which is also the rank of the highest Freemason in their occult system. It represents the number of the fallen host.

The fallen host descended on Ardis, the summit of Mt Hermon. This was chosen because it stands on the 33.33 latitude, 2012 miles from the 0 degree equator. Thus the symbols fit into the structure of the fallen host and the time frame they were given and planned.

A most important work is 3 Enoch, which is a most important witness against them. Enoch was (supposedly) transformed into the angelic figure, Metatron, and this figure represents a higher form of esoteric knowledge to the demons. As Metatron, Enoch became the “Angel in the Whirlwind” (mentioned by George Bush in his inaugural speech). The early occultists were practicing astrologers and they formed a special occult group with a Committee of 300 as their informed elite. (There is a book by this name, authored by John Coleman (ex-MI6, as I recall), which describes much of the work of the world elite.) This form of mysticism is behind the child sacrifice and the rituals behind the Bohemian Grove ceremonies and the ritual cremations of children, or effigies, termed “Dull Care”.

When the early astronomers, who were actually astrologers, fixed the grid in degrees longitude, the 0 degree longitude was fixed at a point 2012 miles to the west of Mt Hermon so that the point of descent was 33.33 degrees longitude and 33.33 degrees latitude. Everything of their calendars and their systems was set around these numbers. Thus the long term plan was set in process thousands of years ago. They planned around it because that was what God had given them as a limitation in time. It is always comforting to me to recall that God always remains in complete charge of what the evil ones do.

The Great Seal of the US

In 1933 President Franklyn Delano ordered the reverse of the Great Seal with the Eye of Horus and the motto Novus Ordo Seclorum placed on the back of the US Dollar Bill. The seal of the US has a series of occult symbols and the eagle is in fact a phoenix as the early designs show. I will not go into all the symbolism here but it is enough to deal with the Capstone which is detached and has the eye of Horus placed upon it and the seventy-two stones.

The seventy-two stones represent the sons of God in the original text of Deuteronomy 32:8 which was changed by the Kabbalist Sopherim to disguise the fallen angels.  The seventy-two are in charge of the nations and the arrangement is to harness them by occult usage of the Tetragrammaton as the name of God so that they are controlled and the world is harnessed for occult purposes by these Satanists. The number 1776 is not the date of an event although it is the date of the foundation of the Illuminati by Adam Weishaupt.

The date was used to declare the Messiah of the Sibylline Oracles, as two beings, using the numerical values of the Sybil for the name of the Messiah. The number of the god Apollo, as Messiah, is attributed as 888. The two messiahs of 888 + 888 = 1776. Thus 1776 was used as the date to declare the preparation of the time of change, from the Messiah the Christ to the rise of Apollo, under the Satanists in 2012.  The USA was formed for this very purpose. (In fact, as far back as Frances Bacon, a plan was in place to build the ‘New Atlantis’ here.)

The Sibylline Oracles state in Book 1: 324-333:

Then indeed the son of the great God [Apollo] will come, incarnate, likened to mortal men on earth, bearing four vowels - and the consonants in him are two. I will state explicitly the entire number for you. For eight units, and an equal number of tens in addition to these, and eight hundreds, will reveal the name to men who are sated with faithlessness. But you consider in your heart the son of the Most High, Immortal God. He will fulfill the law of God – he will not destroy it – bearing a likeness which corresponds to types, and he will teach everything....(tr. J.J. Collins in James H. Charlesworth ed. The Pseudepigraphal Writings, Vol. 1, Sibylline Oracles 1, p. 342 1:324-333).

As we saw, the Satanists have tried to use the number 888 of the Sybilline Oracles to duplicate the Messiah and replace him as the return of the god Apollo, and thus the age was to extend from 1776 until 2012 and for which purpose the USA was founded.

There are many good works on the subject and Horn is one of the best examples. The Great Seal of the USA is the pinnacle of symbolism of the Occult societies working within Freemasonry and the associated  secret societies generally to bring about the 'resurrection' of the god Apollo.

Horn quotes Manly P. Hall (33rd degree Grand Master):

“Not only were many of the founders of the United Sates Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe, which helped them to establish this country for a peculiar and particular purpose known only to the initiated few. The Great Seal is the signature of this exalted body – unseen and for the most part unknown – and the unfinished pyramid on the reverse side is a trestle board setting for symbolically the task to the accomplishment of which the United States Government was dedicated from the day of its inception.” (Horn, ibid., p. 123)

There is thus no doubt that the US is the instrument of the New World Order and the enslavement of human society. The US and Britain are the arms of the Beast power - at least for the present and until their use has come to an end. (Remember how we all once asked why the U.S. wasn't reflected in the Book of Revelation?)

It will comfort the reader, as it did me, to remember that the two tracks of God and Satan have run side by side, down through history, from the Garden. The United States had a satanic purpose by some, yes. But, it also had a godly purpose by others, who carried out the Christian Commission to all the earth, just as we were commanded. I was extremely distraught when I first realized the truth of all this. On my knees in tears and prayer, the Lord instantly comforted me by reminding me of this, and it has been my stay. Nothing in history is done without the Lord’s oversight and permission (or will).

The New World Order motto of the seal represents the re-establishment of the age of the ancients under the Mystery Religions – occult traditions from Nimrod to Osiris/Apollo and his son, ‘resurrected’  Horus, who again becomes the god Apollo, along with the various deities of the mystery cults in whom he is portrayed as the dying God and the Resurrected Being. They are all the same deities – Osiris, Baal, Apollo, Adonis, and Nimrod. The Apollyon of Revelation is assumed to be this deity returned. Peter Goodgame in his book, The Giza Discovery, does a brilliant job tying all these deities together and traces them back to Ninurta, the King Enmerkar of Uruk – all simply other names for Nimrod (also Horn, loc. cit., p. 135).  Much of the information is on his website,

The deity represented as Horus is the risen god the Satanists believe to be the Returned Deity who is the “divine child” returned from the heavens to establish his kingdom. This divine child symbol is portrayed in the masonry in Washington DC. The Being awaited by the Satanists was foretold and was the real purpose of the establishment of the USA and its occult leadership. The Satanists in the NWO are now attempting to bring about world control, with a side benefit of destroying the morale of the world and all power to resist its operations.

What the elite have only realized fairly recently is that they are being used and controlled by these powers in order to advance their own agenda, which is to effectively destroy mankind completely, including the elite. I plan to soon write more about this subject.

Horn advances the idea that from the discovery at Giza they have used the DNA found (and, I believe, in the Antarctica and other portals) to replicate Apollo/Osiris and resurrect him. They have been directly working with our government for at least 60 years. Only in the past few years have military and government leaders come to realize they are not in control; the ‘others’ are.

The ultimate goal of these beings, and what they have been working on, is to set the scene for the release of the demons of the bottomless pit who will proceed to attempt to destroy mankind as foretold in the book of Revelation.  It really is irrelevant whether they have found Apollo or not. All they need to do is provide a receptacle for the demonic spirit - and it can be anyone.

This is the objective the Satanists have been working toward for centuries and millennia, long before the US was a glint in Frances Bacon's eye.

Genetics, Retroviruses, pandemics and the Nations

Part of the warfare of the fallen angels will be in the use of the destruction of the human species by retroviruses and pandemics. These problems have been, and will continue to be, deliberately induced by the Satanists using their pharmaceutical interests. They will make a significant reduction in the human population by these means. The objective is to get the world populace down to below 500 million, so the Satanists think; but the real satanic objective is to completely wipe out the human population.

Genetic mutation by retroviruses and radiation is not only possible but certain. Population reduction has already been stated by these elite occultists as an objective. (Google the Georgia Guidestones.)

The text in Genesis 6:2 says that the fallen angels took to themselves daughters of men. They were to serve as fit extensions for reproduction of these sons of God. At the Tower of Babel Genesis 10:8 says that Nimrod began to be a mighty man before the Lord. Horn argues that the word used for ‘mighty man’ also indicates genetic distortion - he had begun to be a Nephilim (Horn, ibid., p. 194-195).

It was thus argued that the Nephilim or offspring of these beings resulted in genetic disruption of the human species, which is directly stated or inferred from the text of the Book of Enoch, and the Book of Jubilees carried on this view. It was also expressed in the apocryphal Books of Enoch (1 Enoch 10:3-8), Jubilees, Baruch, Genesis Apochryphon, and was remarked on by Philo and Josephus. We find it also in the book of Jasher at 4:18 where it explicitly states that the mixture of animal species was made to provoke the Lord.

There is no doubt that Noah was saved because he had not corrupted his DNA in that he was pure in his generations.

The opinion of the ancients in regard to this was that the fallen ones had begun experimenting with the mixing of animals and were punished for it, as well as the breeding with human females.  It appears that these beings began taking women and altering the DNA of the human species with animal DNA or such structures along with that of their own system or devices. The experimentation with animal and human DNA is now being done again – as in the days of Noah - to the same end now as it was when the Nephilim were wiped out. We can expect to see the same strange creatures that were reflected in pictures of the ancient pagan ‘myths’ happen again. I have seen actual lab pictures showing these same hybrids being generated right now. It is now under experimentation (and has been for a number of years), and robotic human/machine cyborgs are being used in warfare and police actions right now to extend the purpose and rule of Lucifer.

Horn has this view and quotes their occult followers:

“Osiris will rise in splendour from the dead and rule the world through those sages and philosophers in whom wisdom has become incarnate” (Manly P. Hall, 33rd Degree Freemason).
 “The World will soon come to us for its Sovereigns and Pontiffs. We shall constitute the equilibrium of the Universe, and be rulers over the Masters of the World” (Albert Pike, Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry).  [It is happening right now.]
“I am Yesterday and I am Today, and I have the power to be born a second time (Attributed to Osiris from the Egyptian Book of the Dead” - quotes from Horn, ibid., p. 181).

The Book of the Dead actually states that Osiris/Apollo was resurrected, and in E.A. Wallis Budge’s translation of The Book of the Dead (Arkana 1986) he says in Chapter XVIII (p. 116) in footnote 2 that a “Tet” was set up on the annual commemoration of the resurrection of the body of Osiris that took place annually at Mendes.  A Tet is shown in vignette in chapter CLV on page 521 ibid., which follows the prayers to Osiris for the Resurrection on pages 518-520.  

The Satanists thus think they have powers over the resurrection and will control the Universe on an ongoing basis. The current and coming battle is thus, for them, a fight to the death for control of the Creation.  This is serious business.

Islam and 2012

Horn makes interesting reference to the Islamic author of The Day of Wrath, Safar Ibn ‘Abd Al-Rahman Al-Hawali, who wrote at

“When Daniel specified the period between its distress and relief, between the era of anguish and the era of blessing, he put it as forty five years! We have already seen that he specified the time of the abomination of desolation as the year 1967, which is what in fact occurred. Therefore the end – or the beginning of the end – will be 1967 + 45 = 2012.”

From this Islamic interpretation, that the Antichrist (the Mahdi, to them) is established in 2012, then Islam will be deceived having placed the abomination of desolation in 1967 when Jerusalem was taken by Israeli forces. Absolutely fascinating.

2012 in Tibetan Buddhism

Over the last few years we have been consistently hearing from the Tibetan Buddhist monks in news reports that a great conflagration is to occur in 2012 and that extraterrestrials who have been watching the planet will intervene to save it. This is demonic propaganda designed to have us believe that the angels are coming to our rescue.  The fallen host may well appear as angels of light for this last great deception. In fact, there is plenty of evidence that they may be planning a FAKE RAPTURE … more about in the next couple of days.  So much to little time.

Economic Destruction in Preparation for 2012

The Global Financial Crisis (GFC) was a deliberately engineered event in accordance with strategic planning based on the Pike plans for the weakening of the world’s economic structure. It has been so successful that the whole world has been thrown into economic turmoil. The current aim is to collapse the EU financially so the world financial controls are brought into play through a common world currency. It has all been organized to bring all mankind into slavery – and eventual destruction. The US is  deliberately leading this destruction, all of which was timed for a specific end according to their timeline – which certainly seems to be 2012.

One More Deception

It’s hard to believe that the Adversary would spend so much time and detailed effort in producing ‘matching’ occult symbols and dates in all of his pagan religions unless they were leading up to something critical to the events of the last days, especially since Bible prophecy certainly seems to point to the same general time frame. We need to factor in that the calendars of the world, with all the juggling around, appear to have had at least some satanic influence. Thus the dates may have been deliberately organized in accordance with the occult timetable leading us to 2012. However, many Bible scholars have looked at these calendars and have taken that into consideration in their commentaries. Regardless of all this - still, God has the final say in all this 2012-ing.

The major world figures are the servants of Satan, wittingly or unwittingly, making them more deceived than most, believing they will continue to have power and control for millennia to come. Still, it’s very difficult to believe that they are any more deceived than the majority of those who claim to be Christian, yet don’t seem to care enough to have a clue. I guess that’s why the Lord said that ‘few would enter’ and that if it were possible the very elect would be fooled.

Pretty sobering stuff.  The elect will need to have their wits about them.  Now.