
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

You Are The Battlefield

There are some things better left unsaid in life. But now is the time to speak because everything - and I do mean everything - is at stake.

Now is the time of decision for every person on earth. Every individual's eternal future is determined by his relationship to the Creator. That eternal future is upon us: the Omega point of this time/space reality. Time is about to run out, and when it does you will have nothing more to decide. No choices left. Your eternal future is then permanently set. It is finished.

If that isn't a heavy reality, I don't know what is.

In the midst of all of life's busy-ness (business) it is imperative that you stop, put all that aside and make your spiritual condition the top priority in life.

There is a cosmic battle going on for your soul. If you are oblivious to this truth you are in the greatest possible danger. People have gone to fantastic lengths to own you, to own your very soul. The biggest problem is that in order to comprehend and 'see' any of this it can be done only through spiritual eyes because it is a spiritual battle. But it has real, tangible consequences. Forever.

There is one truth. Many lies and deceits are battling that one truth. Your eternal soul is the prize.

The one truth is that Jesus Christ - the Supreme Deity of all creation manifest in human flesh - came to earth, died on the cross to pay the required sacrifice for your sin and mine, rose from the dead, walked among the people, and was translated to the realm of the upper heaven. He did all this so that you could live forever, with Him. He wants you to assist Him in His great cosmic program. He wants you to be His friend - a friend who is as loyal to Him as He is to you.

There is a price to pay on both sides of this friendship. Everything.

He is the way - the truth - and the life, for all eternity.

Clear your calendar for a couple of days. Take vacation time, get a babysitter, whatever it takes. Turn off the TV for the entire time. Turn off the computer. Commit two days to truth. Get a King James version of the Bible, start with John 3:16 and read straight through the New Testament, clear through the Revelation.  Ask the Lord to reveal the truth of His word to you as you commit yourself to reading and learning. Fast and pray and read for two days. Talk to the Lord, and I guarantee that He will speak to you in a still, small voice that can be heard only with spiritual ears.

This is the most important thing you will ever do. Establish a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is on your side, and He wants you on His side in this battle.

You know who is on the other side. The wrong side. He hates humankind and has been out to destroy us from the beginning.

After these two days, set aside 30 minutes every single day to spend with your heavenly Father. Every single day. Top priority.

Choose this day who you will serve, and let Him know.

Royal Heir