
Monday, January 30, 2012

Too Much News ...

I'm inundated with news on every front. It's impossible even to choose a subject on which to write, so for today I'll just put links to four of my many news items. Choose one or all, whatever interests you. I'll try to get back on track tomorrow, but I have a strong suspicion that this situation will only escalate ... that, I believe, is the nature of our immediate future. CMR

Strange noises in the sky ... Trumpets of the Apocalypse? 11 minute video HERE.

Excellent (very long) and fascinating article regarding cosmic changes, planetary instability and extreme weather. Touches on Elenin, PlanetX, etc. HERE.

How The Illuminati Cult Programs People. This article is written by one of the 'escapees' from the Illuminati who became a Christian and managed to get out. Very few people have the motivation to do this, and fewer still remain alive after doing so. She changed her name and went underground. I don't know the date of this article (and links to others). I have studied MK-Ultra and Monarchy Mind Control extensively and have several books detailing the processes from A-Z. Unless a person needs the information for research purposes, the average person would not want to read these details. It's beyond imagination, evil and unbelievable. Satan himself must have put it together, and it's been going on since probably Nimrod. Her article is HERE.

HERE you will find an article about the practice of our government microchipping people without their consent.