
Friday, June 17, 2011

Rumors and Hearsay

There are some topics of amazing interest that I do not normally post because they are fragments of intel that come from 'insiders' in the military or the scientific community which I hear 2nd or 3rd hand, but things are coming so fast and furiously that I'll share some of these and label them as 'rumor' even though I strongly believe they are true. It's just that some of them are factoids of truth that cannot necessarily be assimilated into a complete scenario that can be explained. So, here goes.

There is a lot going on in space that we're not hearing about. Chaos, as I understand it. Of course, we have so much chaos down here on the planet that we seldom have time to look up. That works to the advantage of TPTW (the powers that were - their demise is assured in the end). The world rulers are becoming more fearful of everything: us, our wakening comprehension of their plans; their spirit rulers, who they thought were their friends, but they may have discovered, to an extent, that they aren't; and especially things going on in the solar system, over which they have no control. 

All of these things are connected ... things going on under the earth, on the earth and above the earth.  Officials have heard communication coming from inside the earth and going into space. Then they have heard answers coming from space back to inside the earth. All in another language, which they were trying to decode. This occurred in Antarctica, where there is a lot of furtive activity going on - lots of drilling, heavy equipment. Something is being activated. One guy commented: "Maybe something's waking up under there." I think so. The Bible tells us that the original fallen angels (200 of them - Enoch even gives the names of the 20 leaders) were banned to the abyss, which the Bible says is somewhere inside the earth. All the rest of the fallen angels (1/3 of all of heaven's angels) who follow Lucifer, but did not come to earth, are still in heaven with Satan. God has allowed them to be there, but very soon they will be thrown out of heaven - and they, led by Satan, will hold the greatest 'light show' in the air that the world has ever seen. It will all be a grand delusion and a great deception.

A number of years ago our people discovered something unknown up there, some sort of communication device? They didn't name the thing (to my knowledge), and it was classifed way above top secret; the top level of classified is Cosmic Top Secret, as I understand it.  Some think maybe we had gotten into it - perhaps even brought it back. That would be like opening Pandora's Box. They are not doing all this blindly; they have communication with demonic guides who actually introduced the government to all this technology years ago, and continue to do so up to this very day. The world rulers are very deeply involved with these beings - as we will be in short order. We have been in touch with "aliens" (demon entities) for a very long time, just picking up where the 3rd Reich left off - and with many of the very same people.

I know that the elite believe there are dimensional portals in Antarctica (as did Hitler, who also had a team there), and dimensional rifts in other locations on the planet, such as Baghdad, Yemen, Afganistan. Is that why we have such an interest in those places?  I particularly remember the very day that "Shock and Awe" (Shekinah, in occult-speak) began in Iraq. Within 24 hours our troops were "rescuing" artifacts from the Baghdad Museum. I remember telling my husband how extremely odd it was for our first priority the very day we arrived was artifacts. I suspected they were looking for ancient objects from the days of Nimrod - objects which might open up occult spiritual gateways.  Interestingly, some of the items were returned, but none of the stolen items with writing on them were returned.

Another interesting aspect of end time events is the 13 crystal skulls which you may have heard of on the Discovery or History Channel. To date they have found something like 8 of them. Apparently when all 13 are found, their will be persons/entities prepared to transcribe the information these skulls contain, and they will all fit together somehow to facilitate a part of Lucifer's grand scheme. In what way, I don't know. My guess would be that the use of all of them will be a part of a grand mind control/sound/electrical/energy event.

There is a ferocious war with spiritual wickedness in high places going on. And the occult masters have devious plans. Horrible, masterful, well laid-out plans.  And then, of course, God has His plans, and He is in total control.  He has set up the cosmos to run in cycles, and many cycles are coming together for one final, end cycle - a very fearsome one. The natural order of things is rapidly no longer applying, and the new cosmic happenings which the LORD is managing, is known to Satan and he and his crowd plan to masterfully use the coming cosmic events to manipulate us on earth. And they do not want anyone connecting the dots. Few are. This is all working up to more great deception and Grand Delusion, thus preparing humanity to become so fearful and panic-stricken that they will, with one accord, accept anyone and any plan that will relieve them of the things to come. And then the False Messiah will step in.

To be continued.....

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