
Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fool Me Once ...

 Just thinking about how the American people would react to a mass landing of 'aliens.' Maybe the people are more informed about this subject than they are given credit for. We didn't all just fall off the turnip truck. We aren't some 8th Century people who are illiterate and uneducated. We manage to figure out what's going on when important things come on our radar screens.

I mean we've been through a fake 9/11 and numerous other "terrorist attacks" by our own government; poisonous vaccines; information ad nauseum about the Illuminati; artificial calamities with HAARP; threats from the Georgia Guidestones; two or three deaths of Bin Laden; Al Quaeda via the CIA; consistent theft of our assets; chemtrails; food poisoning; privacy theft; death by design, of our Constitution; courts, police and a Congress taken over by Nazis; a mystery President; mind control via cable tv; a government that is trying to wreck everything we have worked our entire lives for ... I could go on.

How could an alien appearance in the skies top all of that? What if the American people made some popcorn, grabbed a soft drink and a couple of lawn chairs, sat back and watched it as just another reality show?

It's possible.


P.S. Oh, if only it were that simple.

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