
Friday, March 18, 2011

The Powerful and Fearless Christian

A person can barely keep up with the news these days - and the pace will only quicken. These times should be expected by Christians because it has all been laid out in a fair amount of detail in the Bible: earthquakes, wars, famine, pestilence. None of it should be surprising. Nor should a Christian be afraid. This is only the beginning. Events will continue to speed up until it will be impossible to keep up with them.

We should not be overly concerned or overly obsessed with these things. We should be about our Father's business. The time is short and we should be making the best use of it. Our primary focus should be on spreading the gospel as Christ said in Matthew 5:16: "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven." The world is getting darker and darker, and the light of the gospel of Jesus Christ will make the cockroaches run and hide even faster.  They try to hide their deeds because they are evil. 

Christians have no reason to be panic-stricken or fearful due to global events. Wasting time on fear will dampen the light of the gospel. Christians should respond to these times with wisdom, knowledge and answers. We are the only ones who have access to the truth and the solutions to these times. If we are unable to offer power, confidence and truth to the world, then we are shams, because our mandate is to offer mankind's only answer, the Savior.. 

We need to be in God's Word every single day without fail. We must call upon the Lord, who is our strength and our power.We must speak the truth - especially in these days of deceit - and we must not be concerned about rejection. We should be concerned if we are NOT rejected. Christ was rejected, and he told us ahead of time that we should expect it, too.

Christians have a very distinct purpose and job to do in these times, and it is critical that we succeed, and not have a spirit of fear. Be in the Word every single day, be in prayer and communication with the Lord. Trust in Him to show you what to do. You have a purpose in being here at this specific time in history. It is a great honor to live in this times and to carry the banner of Jesus Christ to a dark and dying world, which is on the very verge of extinguishing all of God's light from the earth as the Great Tribulation descends upon the world, the time of the great darkness of that destroyer, the antichrist - the man in whom lives the very spirit of Satan himself.

Read the great prophecies and know well the Revelation of Jesus Christ. Above all, recognize deception in the church itself. As Jesus said, "Take heed that no man deceive you." Christ warned that the primary trap in the last days would be false prophets - deception in His very own church. And it is rampant, indeed. 

It has come to the point where it is all but impossible to find a church which is not promoting a false gospel and false prophets. Jesus Christ warned us ahead of time. We should not be surprised, and we should "come out of her, my people." Jesus warned that people in the church would refuse to listen because they had been chosen for this deception 'before the foundation of the world.' Be thankful if you can see the deceptions and recognize the false prophets; this means that you are walking through the narrow gate which few will find. That is the gate that leads to God's Presence. That gate can only be found by being intimately familiar with the Word of God.

And, don't obsess or worry about the rapture! That is strictly God's business. Our job is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ, to recognize deception in the church and call it out; and to stand firm in spiritual warfare. We can't be doing all of that if we are worried about the rapture. To date, in the entire history of God's plan on earth, all prophecy has just inserted itself into history at a moment when people were carrying on their lives as usual - just as we are. God will do what He will do - when and how He chooses. Meanwhile, He expects us to continue in the work He assigned to us, and to do it all the more fervently at this time. How He decides to wrap things up is in His bailiwick - not ours. We should not waste our time worrying about things that our not given to our charge.

Leave the rest to Him. The Lord is in charge. He has everything under exquisite control.

 Royal Heir