
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Persecuted BY The Church?

Ah, I'm afraid so. Expect it! 

Didn't Jesus Christ himself receive more flak from the rabbis than any other single group of people on earth? Were they not the primary hypocrites, doing deeds in secret - and becoming furious when the light of truth was shone on them?

As almost the entirety of the organized 'church' becomes infiltrated by the false prophets' and their false doctrines (a feat which is nearly complete), and as this becomes the new global religion, this will be the primary entity which will persecute the real Christians - the unseen church of Jesus Christ on earth.

It is, in fact, already happening - and has been happening for some time. The watchmen who are warning about these things are already being persecuted in their own churches. They become pariahs, who either choose to leave their church which is choosing apostasy, or who even more frequently are 'encouraged' to leave their church through various diabolical means.

This persecution will be come fiercer as the new antichrist church forms and all organized churches are melded into it. No opinions will be allowed except those of the global 'unified' church. (See my blog, "A Treatise: New World Religion.)
Isn't it ironic that it will be the organized church itself which viciously persecutes the real Christians? Of course, it will be a church in name only - and already is, for the most part - and it will be ruled by that old enemy of ours - the great deceiver and destroyer himself, Lucifer - who has almost accomplished his goal of running the institutional church.

If you are a true Christian, this will not be news to you. Rejection will be an old friend, as it was to our Blessed Redeemer Himself. You are in good company.

Look up, for your redempion draweth nigh.

Royal Heir