
Sunday, April 18, 2010

What If There Is No Rapture?

It's important to understand that mankind has been notoriously incompetent at discerning future events even when God has provided the details in His Word. I see no reason that 21st Century Christians can be expected to be any different.

There are numerous finely tuned opinions about how end time events will unfold. There is post-trib, mid-trib, pre-trib, and each one of those beliefs has a multiplicity of variations within its own school of interpretation. I am firmly of the pre-trib, pre-millennial group, but I am not dogmatic about it. If I am wrong, it doesn't matter.

There is only one thing that matters, and that is that we have a close relationship with our Savior, and that we make the absolute best use of the time we have left. Our complete focus should be on the Lord and what he wants each of us to do in fulfilling our responsibilities in the great commission he gave to us to spread the gospel throughout the world. My pre-trib position has brought this into sharp focus as the most important responsibility I have each day.

We need not be hung up on the details of how and when the Lord comes. It can be almost guaranteed that it will differ in some respects from what anyone anticipates. It doesn't matter!

If the Lord plucks us out soon, that will be wonderful. If He plucks us out later that, too, will be wonderful. If He leaves us here for the entire seven-year tribulation that, too, will be wonderful. The God of the cosmos is able to take us out or take us through ... as he did with so many of his people throughout the Bible.

The point is that we have a job to do, and each of us needs to know what that job is and see to it that we get it done. There hasn't been a single day of our lives in which we have awakened and have known with certainty what that day would bring. We cannot know the details of the next hour. God has chosen it this way because he wants us to live by faith.

While special blessings are promised to those who study prophecy - and I can attest to the fact that it does bring special blessing - we must never lose sight of the shortness of the time or of the tasks the Lord wants us to be about during that short time.

Spend time in scripture every single day ... spend time in prayer every single day ... put on your spiritual armor every single day ... be ready ... and the Lord himself will take care of the rest.

Royal Heir