
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Is The Nanny State Lying About Smoking?

In my travels through Research Land I happened upon a book which every U.S. citizen would - in sheeplike fashion - no doubt find appalling, at least at first glance. The book is named, In Defense of Smoking.

Naturally, I read it.

Being of a somewhat libertarian bent, having read similar information before, and knowing our government as I do, I actually believed the book's premise before reading it. After all, a bet against the veracity of government statistics is almost always safe.

My sainted Christian mother was as offended as I when the government began getting involved in a ferocious campaign against smoking some years ago - around the same time it dictated seat belts in our vehicles. Wasn't our government supposed to provide for our national defense, and then get out of our way?

Here are two excerpts from this free online book:

"There are... absolutely no studies showing that nicotine is a carcinogen." Lauren A. Colby, Author of In Defense of Smokers.

"In this book, I will show that the case against smoking is based on bogus statistics and downright lies. I will show that the case for a link between smoking and disease has not been proven and that, indeed, the international statistics suggest that there's no link at all. Furthermore, I will show that the government estimates of "smoking-related deaths" are simply fraudulent and that the recent EPA report, purporting to show a risk to non-smokers from second hand smoke was predicated on manufactured "evidence" which some of the EPA's own scientists found appalling."

The author also opines:

"I asked myself, why were these people cooking the books? The answer came through, loud and clear: MONEY. The government folks wanted to expand and enlarge their agencies and promote their careers; and the folks outside government wanted more and more money for their private research projects."

We all know the bottom line is usually money. In the case of smoking, I had always thought the motivation was a bitter 'hippie-marijuana/we're in charge now,' response to their parents, the smokers. Well, who knows?

In this day and age of the final implementation of the new world dictatorship, I did recall that in WWII Nazi Germany, Propaganda Minister Goebbels had saturated the German press with advertisements and articles, suggesting that smokers were nearly as bad as Jews. Thus, when the living people were asked about their smoking habits, a strong bias existed to minimize the amount that they smoked. Simple conformity dictated that a Good German, like his leader, Adolf Hitler, didn't smoke or at least, didn't smoke very much - and the Germans were a very conformist people.

So, as a type of rebellious comic relief after tax day, I'm providing this radical information - not to encourage you to smoke, but to exercise your ability to see through the lens of your own brain, to think for yourself.

The book is located at:

Royal Heir