
Saturday, March 13, 2010

What The Fossil Record REALLY Says

Your children or grandchildren are being taught lies in public school on many levels. One of the sacred lies that is essential to Satan's New Age belief system regards the battered theory of evolution. In order to get anyone to believe it, they must choose the young, innocent and ignorant - our children. They are easily deceived, and lied to, two 'musts' in order for anyone to have enough faith to buy this theory that only the uneducated (or mis-educated) could possibly accept.

So what does the fossil record show? If there's one thing it doesn't show, it's evidence of evolution. Quite the opposite. There is not a scintilla of any kind that would lead anyone to believe that a single animal ever morphed into a different type of animal. Any process that occurs leads to the inescapable belief that each animal was made 'after its own kind,' as the Bible says. Any species changes seen are clearly either normal variation of specific types, or in some cases, to differing conditions. Cats remain cats, and dogs remain dogs, and this principal runs consistently throughout the fossil record.

Every plant and animal exhibits amazing complexity at the start. From the very first appearance of a fossil type, it shows all of its particular design features. It is so elegant throughout all species that an intelligent design behind it shows itself as exquisite.

There has never been a documented case of the origination of a new form in the entire fossil record. Many experience extinction, but the emergence of a new type - no. No evidence whatever implies in any way a descent from a common ancestry. Darwin himself was doubtful of his own theory because of the lack of transitional forms, hoping that one day they would be discovered. The fossil record, however, is essentially complete, and no such thing has ever been found.

At least 95% of all animal fossils consists of marine life. Of the terrestrial fossils, the vast majority are plants, leaving far fewer land-dwelling animals such as mammals represented in the fossil record. And yet the vast majority of animals depicted on evolutionary fossil charts in textbooks are land vertebrates, and they do not accurately portray the true fossil record.

Marine fossils are usually found in deposits resulting from catastrophic events, most of which were either buried alive or the catastrophe carried them to another location. Many are found in a death pose, sometimes ripped apart but not scavenged, giving every indication of a violent death. Interestingly, they are normally found in areas where there is no ecosystem present which would have supported them. They are not necessarily found where they lived, or even where they died, but where they were buried. Only dishonest assumptions would presume patterns of life in such cases. Many date following the great flood of Noah's day.

The presentations of these records presented in support of evolution consistently misrepresent the evidence. Every basic animal and plant type appeared suddenly and fully functional, and each type was complex and distinct throughout its life, with no evidence whatever of descending from another ancestral type. All basic types which have ever lived were present, with no new basic types appearing since the beginning.

In fact, the fossil record is remarkable in its consistency with the biblical record, created in final form and function. Arriving at this conclusion is the only reasonable and logical end, while evolutionists consistently must lie about the evidence in order to accommodate their views.

It is tragic that parents allow their children to be taught such distortions, which are all a part of the satanic program to deny the power of the Creator. Most parents know nothing themselves about the evidence and are thus in no position to refute it. The least they could do is remove their children from public schools where every subject is now skewed to accommodate the agenda of the NWO.

I would like to recommend a free monthly magazine which anyone can receive. It is called "Acts and Facts," and is published by the Institute for Creation Research. Their website is I encourage you to make this available to all young people in your family.

This is one more branch of the seductive deception that will bring in Lucifer's agenda for the people of earth.

Royal Heir