
Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Conspiracy of The Ages

I have never believed in conspiracy theories ... until I ran into facts - facts that were being ridiculed by the government by calling them 'conspiracy theories.'

There were essentially two reason I believed them to be impossible: 1) I didn't think the necessarily large number of people involved could possibly keep such things secret, and 2) they were too evil, beyond my wildest imagination. I was wrong on both counts. I had failed to take into consideration the master of deception who was behind them - Satan.

It is quite easy for secret societies and/or government to control the minds of its citizenry in such a way that people have an aversion to these theories for the two reasons listed above. But a third reason makes it essential that the people are fooled. If there is a conspiracy, that means someone must take responsibility for it.

The most clever ruse to fool the people is through ridicule. It works every time, particularly in a society like ours, where people are almost illiterate when it comes to history. Americans are the most easily fooled people in the world. It's not that they lack intelligence. They lack knowledge. They are too busy getting through life. They are on a treadmill with jobs, children and the rat-race. This, too, is by design.

Conspiracies always have a hierarchy, with someone at the top. Rarely referred to in history books, rarely referred to in the press, these hidden hands of control are the most powerful people on the planet, and above them are evil spiritual entities. These hidden hands control everything on the planet: education, politics, governments, military, religions, business, corporations, oil, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, agriculture, water, communications and finance. They even 'own' the air. They can influence the climate and cause earthquakes. If you try to touch any of these things, they'll kill you. Ninety of the world's most renowned scientists have died mysterious deaths in a period of about three years, scientists who were working on some of these projects. Over 70 police chiefs have recently 'retired' in a period of a few weeks.

The cabal owns the Bank of International Settlements, the International Money Fund, the central banks of nearly every nation on earth, the World Bank, the Federal Reserve and the corporations. They not only control the world’s money supply and issue money, they also create the inflations and depressions so familiar to us. Amazingly, not one person in a thousand would recognize most of these names or know what they do.

The national debt of every nation is owed to them; almost every person on earth is in debt to them. They collect the interest through your taxes. They control both political parties in the U.S. Did you ever wonder why no matter which party you vote for, the agenda keeps going in the same direction? No matter how you vote, it is a vote for this fraud and theft. Our politicians are bought, paid for and delivered - corrupt to the core. This cabal causes economic crashes and buys up assets at pennies on the dollar. This is the primary vehicle by which they have gained control of the world.

They have planned every war in recent history, including WWI, WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan - and they financed both sides; both sides purchased armaments and oil from the companies they own. The people of all these nations paid taxes to clean up after the wars, taxes paid to governments they own. They were behind Stalin and Mao, engineered the cold war and created 9/11 in order to declare a 'war on terror' for the purpose of taking away rights and freedoms from the American people.

Their drug companies push drugs that do more harm than good; they have unrevealed cancer cures available for themselves. Children are required to get a multitude of vaccines; it will shorten their lives. They have been poisoning our air for well over ten years. This also drastically reduces our intake of oxygen needed for life. They control all education, including textbooks, teachers and unions - and our children, who are the most ignorant group since the Dark Ages. They control science to the point that teachers, scientists and researchers are forced to 'believe in' evolution or they know they will lose their jobs, tenure and retirement.

They control the law, the judges and the courts. They completely control publishing and the media. Why do you think you hear the exact same stories no matter what channel you watch? That's all that is happening in the entire world? They pit the liberal media against the conservative media, and they own both. The media focuses on the most inane stories imaginable, about Hollywood (who they also own), sports figures, scandals, affairs, inane sitcoms, anything to keep our attention away from them and their evil wars, murder and theft.

Try to tell your average American any of this and he'll ridicule you. They had that planned, too.

Their own children are viciously abused and mind-controlled from birth; thus it passes from generation to generation. They belong to secret societies and openly worship Satan with the most evil of pagan rituals - including human sacrifice (what do you think 9/11 was?) - passed down through the centuries. Everything they do is evil. They profit from greed, murder, theft, fraud, child abductions (for their own sexual use, sacrifice, or scientific experimentation), every evil the mind could conceive. They desperately want to kill off 90% of humanity, starting with the 'inferior' races, so that they can have the earth to themselves. The 10% they keep are to be their slaves. They consider themselves better than the rest of humanity. They will kill through any means: poison, food, air, water, war, pestilence, illness, starvation, murder. We are chattel.

All of their organizational planning, whether it be through the secret societies of old, the Freemasons, the Knights Templar, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the religious organizations, media, business, education or other, is structured to have the lesser knowledge at the bottom and proceeding upward to the top, with knowledge gained at every step toward the upward level.

And then, of course, there must be someone at the very tip-top of this structure - the top of the pyramid. Someone whose name is Death and who has been jealous of man since the beginning, whose fondest desire is to get rid of humanity. This is someone who has knowledge that spans from earth's very beginnings right up until today. He has, through the millennia, perfected his organization. His subtlety and crafty deception is unequaled. He has deceived his minions for thousands of years, leading them to believe that they would rule the world, while all the while his plan for them has been death. Death of the body and the soul.

He is on the brink, the epitome, of realizing supreme power. He rules the world from the top. He is about to be crowned King of the World.

There is only one problem. He has deceived himself. His demise is certain. His doom is sealed.

His name is Antichrist.

Royal Heir