
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

John MacArthur Exposed As Freemason, Merovingian and Druid

I received this in an email last night from another researcher at  How sad. These so-called 'shepherd' leaders just keep falling, recalling again that Jesus asked whether there would be any faith left on earth at His return. There is a lot of information at the above website and I encourage you to visit. You can also sign up to receive their periodic email news.

The end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch
unto prayer. ~ I Peter 4:7

September 16, 2014
Dear Watchmen,

This report is a continuation of our previous expose of John Macarthur, sections 1-5 of which were posted last March.  Because of Macarthur’s extensive network of ministries and growing influence in the Christian community, it seemed important to publish more of our research.

Although John Macarthur claims that he does not lead a denomination, his global network of churches, colleges, and seminaries is massive and continues to expand.  John Macarthur has described the success of his worldwide ministry as an “explosion of spiritual fruit and harvest” and for this fruitful harvest he gives credit to the five generations of family ministers who preceded him. 

Most notably, he praises God’s work through his great grandfather, Rev. Thomas Fullerton, and his great great grandfather, Rev. John Fullerton:
“The good news is, when the soil is prepared by God, there’s going to be an explosion of spiritual fruit and the harvest will go on and on and on and on and on and on. A nice young man in our church was recently in Prince Edward Island and I had said in the church service that my great grandfather was a pastor of St. James Kirk Presbyterian Kirk in Prince Edward Island back in the 1800’s. So when he was up there, he started digging around and found all kinds of things about my great grandfather.  Thomas Fullerton was his name and he was pastor there at the main church in Charletown(?) for about twenty-eight years.  He was a chaplain in the Canadian Military and he went to the Boer Wars in South Africa and fought and did ministry among the troops.  And you look back and that and you say, ‘Okay, there’s a...his father was also a pastor who had been in Scotland and then gone to Australia and come there and at some point the Lord plowed the heart of that family and it just kept going and it just kept going and it kept going and it came down through my...from my great-grandfather to my grandmother, his daughter, and then through her to my father and then through me and this is the explosion and we’re all in this process somewhere.  All of our lives intersect and that’s the...that’s the good news in the story and the disciples needed to hear that because it all basically looked like it wasn’t going anywhere.” (John Macarthur, A Diagnosis of the Soils)

Further investigation reveals that John Fullerton Macarthur’s great grandfather, Rev. Thomas Fraser Fullerton, was not just the pastor of St. James Presbyterian Church in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, for twenty years. During that period he was also Provincial Grand Master; Most Worshipful Brother, Grand Lodge of  Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M., Grand Master 1913–1914; “In the Grand Lodge he was Grand Chaplain, 1907-10; Senior Grand Deacon, 1911; Deputy Grand Master, 1912 and Grand Master, 1913... In the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite he received the degrees of the Lodge of Perfection and Rose Croix Chapter in 1903, and the intermediate degrees to 32degree in Charlottetown Consistory in 1911.” (Grand Lodge of PEI, Thomas Fraser Fullerton, PGM)

 In 1892, Rev. Thomas Fullerton was also Grand Secretary of the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge for the Province under the jurisdiction of the Grand Lodge of British America. (Canada: An Encyclopedia, p. 318)

In other words, the “explosion of spiritual fruit and harvest” which is John Macarthur’s global ministry today is the spiritual fruit of his great great grandfather and great grandfather, who was Worshipful Master of the Grand Lodge of Prince Edward Island, A.F. & A.M., Grand Master of PEI Grand Lodge, and Grand Master and Grand Secretary of the Provincial Grand Lodge. John Macarthur’s testimony is a tacit admission that his global network is thespiritual fruit of Freemasonry

John Macarthur is reputed to be a “modern Spurgeon,” however, Jesus said, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.” (John 7:24)  Our research of Macarthur’s life and ministry has brought to light a harvest of evil fruit that can only be attributed to his Masonic, Merovingian, and Druid ancestry, affiliation and agenda.


Part 1: John MacArthur & The Mark of the Beast
Part 2: John MacArthur’s “Slave” Book
Part 3: Based on Heretical Sources
Part 4: “Christian” Slavery
Part 5: Fallen Away From the Faith 

Part 6: John MacArthur: Freemason
Part 7: “The Once & Future Clan”
Part 8: MacArthur’s Druid Festival
Part 9: The Wicker Man
Part 10: History of the Druids
Part 11: The British Druids
Part 12: Evangelical Druids

Many Christians are deceived by John Macarthur and his. There is a wealth of evidence in this expose that he is a Freemason, Merovingian and Druid. Please forward this message to other Christians so that these precious saints may be undeceived.

I am very indebted to you for your prayers for this ministry and for my health. Please continue to pray that the ministry of Watch Unto Prayer would continue and Satan's deception be exposed.
Thank you!
May God bless and keep you,
Barbara Aho

But the end of all things is at hand: be ye therefore sober, and watch unto prayer. I Peter 4:7