Imam calls for Pope as leader
The highest representative for Islam Yahya Pallacvicini wants the Pope as the head of the news “United Regions”.
Italy’s highest spokesman for Islam liked everything that Peres said. Handsome, articulate and Western in his manner, Yahya Pallavicini is imam of the al-Wahid Mosque in Milan and vice president of the Islamic Religious Community of Italy, a.k.a. Coreis, a community solicitous toward Christians and Jews.
Pallavicini praised Peres as “a man particularly inspired, combining Jewish faith with political experience. I fully agree” with his proposal to the pope, he said.
In fact, he continued, “Pope Francis may be the most authoritative representative” of “spiritually sensitive” religious leaders in the world today. “I, a Muslim, have much to learn from him,” he said.
Source: Jerusalem Post
My comment:
The momentum is building behind the antichrist in the Vatican. Pope Francis seems to be read to enter the global scene as the “ultimate prince of peace’.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction.The Pope claims to be the “Holy Father”, a tittle that Jesus reserved for Father God in heaven. The Pope also claims to be the replacement for the Holy Spirit of Earth, the very Vicar of Christ. Since the Pope also claims infallibility in all matters of understanding of scriptures, he seems to be the perfect leader of this “peace movement”.
Unfortunately, the Vatican mother of all lawlessness is leading all his followers off the cliff, and into the eternal fire of Hell. Please stay away from this falsehood. Do not entertain this religious movement, that do not represent God of the Bible and Jesus the Messiah.
Written by Ivar