The world would be a better place if people had half as much insight and discernment as imagination and gullibility. But we live in an age of insanity. Evil breeds insanity. Jesus said that appetites for signs and wonders are signs of an evil generation. God is looking for FAITH. “... when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8)
God appears in the skies above Cape Coral?
Story From Christianity Today
Social media weighs in on striking photo.
Published 14 August 2014 |
Brownie Marie
A mountainous cloud formation was likened to an image of God standing majestically over the earth, and a smaller formation to the right was interpreted as an angel, bowing slightly, and perhaps playing a trumpet.
The picture was taken by a Huffington Post employee and uploaded to their website on Tuesday.
Seeing religious images in clouds is not a new phenomenon, but sharing those images with millions of people worldwide is a product of the internet age and the social media boom.
"Picture taken today in Florida," a California woman wrote on Twitter of the interesting photograph.
"The figure could be a build up of clouds or Maybe of God in robes and his angel gabe."
"This photo blew me away!" a New Jersey woman wrote, sharing the picture on her blog.
The picture and story were also shared on UK website The Daily Mail, where the commentors expressed skepticism.
"Please tell what does The Lord actually look like?" a person in Australia asked. "A cloud of fluff? Huge marshmallow? Soft cotton balls?"
"I see an ad for the Michelin Man or the Pillsbury Doughboy," a man from the UK added.
"Is this an optical illusion? Like a 3D image where you have to stare into it for an hour? All I see is a cloud," a Canadian commenter said.
For viewers who do see something special in the clouds, there is often a personal, spiritual message that accompanies the visual interpretation.
When the "face of God" was spotted in the sky above Norfolk County, England last month, thousands of people were affected by the image.
A face in the clouds, captured by Jeremy Fletcher.
"He came to fetch my father-in-law who died last night," another person shared.
Social media users who saw a photo of storm clouds seemingly parting above a Florida highway last month had a similar reaction.
Joe Zuniga/ Instagram
"God is truly amazing," another person said.
___________Looks like everything is being prepped for lying signs and wonder, and the people are primed and ready. Expect "Mary" to be heavily involved. CMR