
Monday, July 28, 2014

There Are MANY Cancer Cures ...

... and many are very fast.  NEVER, EVER subject your body to radiation or chemotherapy; they are the true killers. Millions of people realize this (including the elite). Do you? Here is one method among many.  Oh, and by the way - did you know that 97% of all cancer doctors would never have radiation or chemotherapy, nor would they let a family member have it. They use methods such as the one below. And yet they keep 'practicing' it. CMR

Excerpt from Dr. Leonard Coldwell’s Books:
“The Only Answer to Cancer”(revised) & 
How I cured my mother from liver cancer.
Also formally published in the World Wellness Report 2008 
and other publications and speeches:

“I’m sorry youre struck with this problem. In my experience there is always hope as long as you don't give up, stay active and keep on fighting, and as long as the government stays out of our way to optimum health!

In my experience the mandatory treatment of slaughter called surgery, burning called radiation, or poisoning called chemotherapy, leads to unbelievable horror, loss of quality of life, the massive spreading of the disease and most of all inhumane suffering and early death.

Its my opinion that the “chemical doctors” do not have a cure and in my opinion most people would be better off without treatment than with all of the cutting, poisoning or burning.

The promotion of early detection, saying it will save your life or breast is, in my experience, a blatant lie. What I’ve witnessed is that early detection simply means the instant start of suffering due to mandatory treatments and the loss of quality of life, pain and suffering and an inhumane death.

How do I know this? I cured my mother of liver cancer which was in a terminal state over 30 years ago without surgery, chemotherapy or radiation. Her healing regimen was completely natural and cost less than $3,000.

The law does not allow me to practice my techniques that have led me to cure patients within weeks and often days. The total costs were usually below $5,000 dollars and the main part of my plan revolves around healthy food, herbs and supplements.

I retired from working with patients for 2 reasons: One was the constant restrictions and attacks from the government, pharmaceutical companies, and the medical industry. Even in spite of having the opinion of leading experts and the highest cancer cure rate in the world! The second reason I retired was to be able to teach, research and educate, and to rid the world of cancer.

I made a promise to God when I was a child. I prayed to him when my mother had another pain attack and seemed to die, that if he helped me to cure my mother, I will spend the rest of my life to help other mothers and fathers and their children. I would help them so they wouldnt have to go to the same kind of pain that I and my mom had to go through. He answered my prayers and that is why Im on this mission today.

Since all 7 siblings of my mom had cancer, as well as my grandmother dying of cancer, and even my father and stepfather dying of cancer I can tell you that Im sure no one else has the amount of experience with cancer that I have. I have seen it as family member, son and grandson from the start until it killed my relatives.

In my time I have seen over 35,000 patients and have had over 2.2 million seminar attendees that have written to me, sending in their comments and life stories. I have over 7 million readers of my newsletters and reports. I am the doctor that has, in the opinion of leading experts, the highest cancer cure rate in the world. In fact, I am convinced I could cure at least 90% of all cancer patients if I had the legal platform to work with these people the “Dr Coldwell Way.” As long as the patient is willing and still able to do whatever it takes and has no surgery, chemotherapy or radiation, there is no reason Cancer cannot be cured in most people.

I am sure I could cure them within weeks or a few months. But since the law and the ones that make money on your suffering and even death, don't allow me to treat you the way I know would produce results, I legally cannot even tell you what to do or not to do. That’s how the medical profession and pharmaceutical industry protects their Trillion Dollar Cancer Industry. They “make politicians install laws that kill citizens or at least make them sick, and laws that make sure they cannot be cured. They can only be treated to more illness and eventually death by the medical profession with toxic, dangerous and murderous treatments.

Can you tell me why, when it is proven that Essiac herbs, vitamin B17, D and other supplements and herbs are curing cancer, why it is illegal to advertise that fact or sell these products for this cause? 

There is only one answer: power-hungry bribed politicians, the greedy medical profession, and the pharmaceutical companies don't really want you to be healthy or cured with some organic herbs, foods or supplements for a couple of hundred dollars. There's no other reason! I'm willing to debate and argue this in every LIVE media setting so they cannot cut and change the content before they broadcast it!

For 20 years now the Dr. Leonard Coldwell Foundation has a standing offer to the first medical doctor that can prove that he or she has a higher cancer cure rate than I have one million dollars. To this day, not a single doctor has tried to earn the million dollars.

I could fix the health care crisis in America within 4 years! But, sadly, no one is interested. The bodyguards of the Medical and Pharmaceutical profession, and the FTC and FDA will make sure you will never get the natural assistance and treatment that could help or even cure you in a very short amount of time. Therefore, the best chance you have it to educate yourself. Make educated decisions and take charge of your own health, life and future!

Since freedom of speech is at least partially still my right before they find a way to steal this from us too I can at least tell you what I would do if I were you:

1. I would do a 21 day full body and colon cleansing system from
2. Do the Cancer Protocol from
2a. Medical Fact is that cancer cannot grow in and oxygen rich alkaline environment therefore I would always make sure that my body is slightly alkaline with a pH of 7.36.  I would achieve this easily with the Acid-Alkaline Protocol from that was created after my historical use for my patients.
2b. Very often a correlation between cancer and fungus / Candida overgrowth is mentioned in the medical world. To make sure I don't suffer from this Candida overgrowth I would do the Candida Remediation Protocol from which was also created after the producer researched my historical use of protocols with my patients in the past.
3. I also would take Hydrosol silver from (and do their metal cleanse too!)
4. I would take vitamin B17
4.a I would use Baking Soda with real Maple Syrup and warm up one tea spoon of Baking Soda with 5 spoons full of Maple syrup.
5. I would take Essiac Capsules from
6. I would eat, if I could afford it, only organic whole foods from and eat fresh organic salads, vegetables and fruit.
7. I would have as much sun as my skin can handle without getting burned. Sun does not cause cancer!
8. I would buy a cheap juicer such as the Jack Lalanne model and have a lot of fresh juice with a lot of greens added.
9. I would walk or exercise just a little every day. Or at least 2 minutes 3 times a week
10. I would eat a vegetarian all organic life food diet
11. I would take Flora-Zymes, Quint-Essence, vitamin E and cal-mag from every day of my life.
**In severe cases I would add oxygen therapy and or 35% hydrogen peroxide therapy. I would take (but I dont encourage anyone else to do it!) 8 drops of 35% hydrogen peroxide in 8 ounces of Aloe juice for at least 35 days.

After doing all of this I would know I had done everything to address the physical causes of bad health. Getting rid of the root cause of all disease! Lack of Energy which is usually caused by stress.

But I also know that the main cause of Cancer is mental and emotional stress. Its scientifically proven that all illnesses are 84% based on stress and only 16% based on physical elements. Therefore, I would know that I would have to uncover and eliminate the root cause of my personal health challenges to be able to get rid of the symptoms and physical malfunctions. I would have to actively apply the information in Instinct Based Medicine How to survive your illness and your doctor (see )

Just a reminder: Nearly everybody in my family had cancer! And I don’t have or ever will get cancer!

So the question is: Do you believe the ones that lose or kill about 97% of their cancer patients or the ones that cure cancer on a daily basis. I can provide you with names and hospitals around the world where cancer cures are a daily reality. You will find it in my next newsletters. 

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NOTE: This is not just some random website I 'ran across.' I have been studying health issues for nearly forty years (and am a non-practicing medical transcriptionist). I know many people who have been cured of even the worse types of cancer. I can't tell many people, though, if they are Americans, because they believe every lie told to them by Big Pharma and Corporate Medicine. They are blind, and will not see. Will you?  CMR