Heresy Preacher Priest Tony Palmer Dead After Urging Christians To Unite With Rome
God appears to have relieved Tony Palmer of his command
“And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” Revelation 18:4Just months after Anglican priest and personal friend to Pope Francis Tony Palmer gave a rousing performance urging Christians to place themselves under the authority of the Roman Catholic system, he appears to have died suddenly in a motorcycle accident.
Tony Palmer had said that he was a “prophet in the spirit of Elijah”, and that his mission was to unite the Christian evangelical church with the Roman Catholic system. He declared “Martin Luther’s protest to be over”, and said that it was time for “Christians to come home to Rome”. Tony’s deluded vision of seeing Christians “coming home to Rome” will also die with him.
Tony Palmer, a South African Bishop with the Communion of Evangelical
Episcopal Churches, has passed away after a motorcycle accident. Palmer
gained worldwide media attention in January after Pope Francis sent a
special envoy to a Charismatic Evangelical Leadership Conference Kenneth
Copeland hosted.
Palmer presented a video message from the pope that went massively viral at the Copeland-hosted conference. The message centered on unity among Catholics and Protestants. Copeland prayed for the pope and sent a message of his own back to Francis.
NOTE: If I didn't know better I would be halfway expecting Tony Palmer to miraculously rise from the grave. I have been watching him, and I've rarely seen a shrewder, more dangerous, more charismatic and cunning character - even in the religious world. He would have been a powerful tool in uniting all the religions of the world under the Antichrist. Frankly, I was shocked to hear of his death. It's hard not to see the hand of God there.
The church is on the very edge of a war. It is simple to explain. It will be the entire body of religious churches which call themselves "Christian" at war against the fundamentalists. Simple. The RCC, the charismatic Pentecostals, the purpose drivens etal - the entire apostate church will soon be going to war to KILL fundamentalists. The first shots have been fired, and I will be writing about this soon. CMR