
Friday, May 16, 2014

NWO Strikes Down Russian Satellite + The Destroyer/PX


CLICK TITLE for video:

US and Europe Strike Russian Military Satellite. Star Wars


02SkyView is a group of astronomers located in Australia, putting out very few videos. This is their final one ... I assume they are moving to a 'safer' place. Keep in mind that this destroyer goes under a multitude of names issued by NASA, etal in order to confuse the average person and obfuscate the true identity of this PlanetX / Nibiru / Ison / 'now Linear' ... You can fool some of the people some of the time.....and none of the people all of the time...........CMR


If this video does not appear on your email subscription, you can access it at the link below the video.

For the "Fire in the Sky" video referred to go to this link: