Did you know that the KJV is the only Bible version that Satan and his deputies hate with a passion? They will tolerate - even promote - all other versions. Why do you suppose that is?
Link to another interesting article is at the bottom of this page.CMR
Matthew Vines professes to be a 'gay Christian.'For many years now, publishers have been releasing books that claim
the Bible does not oppose committed homosexual relationships. That is
nothing new. But it is a sad and shameful day when a major Christian
publisher releases such a book and claims that it is a solid evangelical
publication. This is abhorrent, disgraceful and terribly misleading.
And it needs to be addressed and exposed. But first, the background to the story.
In 2012, a young man named Matthew Vines, who professes to be a “gay Christian,” released a video
of his talk about the Bible and homosexuality, and it quickly went
viral. His demeanor was engaging and his appeal to the Scriptures very
serious, but for those who know the Word well, there was nothing in the
least bit persuasive in his presentation. In fact, it underscored just
how impossible it is to use the Bible to justify any form of homosexual
acts or to sanctify intimate homosexual relationships.
impossibility of Matthew’s position was further emphasized when my
colleague, the well-known apologist James White, put out a series of YouTube videos
that thoroughly rebutted Vines’ video. And both White and I have
offered to debate Matthew and any colleague he would choose, but to
date, there has been no response, although we’re still hoping that a
debate (or a series of debates) will take place.
here is the disturbing news. The book is being published by Convergent
Books, which is part of a publishing conglomerate that includes the
much-respected evangelical publishing group WaterBrook Multnomah (also
sharing some of the same staff). And the chief executive of the company,
Stephen W. Cobb, is vigorously defending
his choice to publish the book. In fact, he is making an extraordinary
effort to publicize it and claiming that it is thoroughly evangelical.
we totally lost our bearings as the people of God? Are we now debating
the undebatable and trying to sanction the unsanctionable?
WaterBrook Multnomah group publishes books by authors like John Piper,
Chuck Swindoll, Ravi Zacharias, David Jeremiah, Randy Alcorn, David
Platt and Bill Gothard, and now its sister publisher is releasing a
purported evangelical book defending homosexuality? (This is not being
written on April 1 as some kind of April Fool’s joke. I am being dead
Responding to an investigative piece
written by Christian attorney Matt Barber, Cobb explains that his
company is publishing the book “because [they] believe it offers a
thoughtful examination of Scripture on the topic of same-sex
relationships from a bold, young, evangelical writer whose first calling
is to promote a civil, loving, and biblically based conversation on the
Certainly, the tone of the book is meant to
be civil, and it does attempt to interact with the Scriptures,
although, to emphasize this again, you can no more use the Bible to
legitimize homosexual relationships than you can use it to legitimize
adultery. But to describe the author as “a bold, young, evangelical
writer” is to make the word evangelical utterly meaningless.
would be like speaking of a fine, conservative Catholic author whose
new book questioned the office of the pope, or of an excellent, Orthodox
Jewish author whose latest volume explained how pork was kosher. It is
just as laughable (or, really, lamentable) to speak of “a bold, young,
evangelical writer” whose book attempts to make a biblical case for
same-sex relationships. Talk about turning truth upside down.
To be sure, I personally own a large number of books written by professing “gay Christians,” including The Queer Bible Commentary and Holy Homosexuals,
so I’m familiar with the arguments. And I’ve interacted face to face
with professing “gay Christians,” most of whom seemed extremely sincere.
fact, in my own book, I do my best to introduce readers to the very
real, personal struggles experienced by people with same-sex attractions
who want to follow Jesus, and it is something that has driven me to my
knees in prayer, often with real brokenness and even tears of
intercession for them.
The travesty here is for Cobb, the head of
both WaterBrook Multnomah and Convergent (an imprint for “less
traditional Christians,” which is quite an understatement), to choose to
publish this book, then to defend that choice, then to present Matthew
Vines as an evangelical, and then to go all out with a publicity
campaign to promote the book. (Cobb writes, “We have extensive marketing
and publicity campaigns in place, with which we hope to reach the
widest possible readership.”)
As I note in my book,
there are “no new textual, archeological, sociological,
anthropological, or philological discoveries [that] have been made in
the last fifty years that would cause us to read any of these biblical
texts differently. Put another way, it is not that we have gained some
new insights into what the biblical text means based on the study of the
Hebrew and Greek texts. Instead, people’s interaction with the LGBT
community has caused them to understand the biblical text differently.”
point is that nothing has changed in terms of what Scripture teaches,
which is why almost no one through the centuries has thought to use the
Bible to sanction homosexual relationships—that is, until our day, and
this is simply the fruit of the sexual revolution of the 1960s, not the
fruit of dramatic new insights that would cause us to turn the Bible on
its head.
And that’s why there are fine Christians today who still
struggle with same-sex attractions but who renounce them as contrary to
God’s plan and who live holy, separated lives, enjoying a full and
robust relationship with the Lord without homosexual activities and
same-sex romantic connections.
In short, those who want to revise
biblical sexuality and morality have moved away from the Word of God,
and if they have any sense of integrity, they need to renounce their
claim to be evangelicals—and that includes Cobb, if he personally claims
to be one—and say, “We are liberal Christians who no longer hold to the
authority of Scripture, because of which we embrace homosexual
In refusing to do so, they have muddied the waters
of the faith, brought reproach on the gospel, further confused a very
lost society, and become propagators of deception in the church. And
they will answer to God for all this one day.
As things stand now,
the same publishing conglomerate that released books by an evangelical
author like Joshua Harris with titles and subtitles like I Kissed Dating Goodbye and Sexual Purity in a Lust-Saturated World
is releasing a book championing the idea that God blesses two men (or
women) having sex with each other as long as they are committed.
Just because a thing happens doesn't mean it's possible. CMR
The Elite fear only one thing ... PLANET X & CO Ignore their "news" - it's only a distraction from the real TRUTH.
When you run across someone with no spiritual armor, it often reveals the chink in your own. CMR
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Little Known Facts
It is not true that John Darby got his rapture theology from Margaret MacDonald. He saw her only once - and believed she was an occultist. He was not impressed. I have written about this on my blog in the past.
SATAN'S PLAN: Control/Alter/Delete
"A word to the wise" .... is an oxymoron. CMR The only 'higher self' you have is when you're standing on a ladder - or you are entertaining a demon. CMR
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This was not the most important election - it was the last one. CMR The Revelation is easy to understand ... it's just hard to believe. CMR
Physical events are a manifestation of the spiritual condition. CMR
Multiple personalities are multiple demons. CMR * * * * * "Ye Shall Know The Truth And The Truth Shall Make You Free" * * * * * As a PK (preacher's kid) when I was a tot my parents taught me NOT to talk...CMR
Satan forgot one thing in his counterfeit plan ... He won't die for you - and it would be worthless if he did. CMR
These shall make war with the Lamb, and The Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that Are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful. Rev. 17:14
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