
Wednesday, March 26, 2014

There Goes World Vision ... They're Dropping Like Flies


Jesus asked if there would be any faith left on earth when he returned. These days it's very easy to see why.
Original article link:

World Vision's credibility gone 'with one fell swoop'

Charlie Butts   ( Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A major Christian charity regarded as one of the largest relief organizations in America has made a decision that one source believes has destroyed its credibility.

Which biblical definition is World Vision twisting most by employing open homosexuals? (Poll Closed) 
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World Vision announced on Monday it is making what it described as a “very narrow policy change” allowing the charity to employ homosexuals who claim to be Christians and are married in states where same-sex “marriage” is legal. The policy change, according to World Vision, is “symbolic not of compromise but of [Christian] unity” – and its leader is hopeful the move will inspire unity elsewhere among Christians.

Matt Barber, a regular columnist for OneNewsNow, vice president of Liberty Counsel Action, and founder of, doesn’t expect organizations that adhere to biblical truth to follow suit.

“When faced with a choice to either go with the path of least resistance and embrace the lie of the world and the lie of the father of lies – versus embracing the truth of Christ and the truth of scripture and standing firm on the Word of Life, World Vision has chosen to take the path of least resistance,” he tells OneNewsNow.

Richard Stearns, president of the billion-dollar charity, told Christianity Today: “We are an operational arm of the global church, we’re not a theological arm of the church.” Yet Barber argues both arms are to operate on the basis of scripture.

“Just because you say you’re not an official wing of the church or that you’re a para-Christian organization does not release you from the command to adhere to biblical truth and biblical reality as it pertains to sexual morality,” he maintains. “So that is a cop-out – and anyone with a clear understanding of scripture can recognize it as such.”

The Christian columnist believes anyone who claims to be Christian is expected to follow God’s Word, not the world. World Vision, he says, has made it clear where its loyalties lie.

“This very dramatic, counter-biblical, apostate move by World Vision shows where they stand,” he concludes. “They have destroyed their credibility as a Christian organization with one fell swoop – and it’s heart-wrenching.”

Barber also suggests World Vision is setting up an artificial distinction by saying it will maintain a policy of abstinence outside marriage regardless, but then hire people who are committing a sin that, according to scripture, is an abomination to God.