
Thursday, February 6, 2014

The Spirit of Fear

I was so sad, and sorry, to read this latest newsletter from the Rapture Forums. Jesus asked this question, “When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” (Lk 18:8). CMR
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Welcome to the Rapture Newsletter for 2/5/2014
Greetings in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
We have a new Rapture Forums Newsletter for your viewing pleasure. Please feel free to forward these emails to all your friends and family as well as to anyone else you think might enjoy them.
Folks, I am really sad right now and writing with a broken heart. I am seeing so many people who are living in a spirit of fear and that are just not trusting in the Lord to handle things for them in these end times. And these aren't just regular people. There are even people in the Bible prophecy community who are "teachers" that have basically sold out their faith in the Lord as their provider and have now taken over that job for themselves. They have discarded the rock of their faith (Jesus), for a few measely beans or a bowl of soup (remember Esau?). The Bible says the Lord did not give us a spirit of fear, but this is exactly what they have done. It shows that they are not living a spirit led life but instead are living a life embraced of lies from the enemy.
You see, we all know that the strength and courage we have to face life comes from the Lord, it is not of ourselves. But some have taken drastic measures, even moved to remote areas of the world, to escape what they think is coming on to the world. They believe this because they have no more faith in the Lord's promises. The Bible speaks of these people as being those whose "hearts failing them from fear and the expectation of those things which are coming on the earth."
Folks we are seeing so much of this "doom, gloom, and fear-mongering" by certain so called "teachers" who have basically left the faith. Some of them have even given up on the Lord's "blessed hope" and now believe that they will go through the tribulation period spoken of in Daniel. This is really sad, they have left their "first love" of Jesus and have now made an idol out of their themselves.
Folks, it is clear that we are living in the end times and things will surely go downhill as Bible prophecy gathers steam in these last days. But now is not the time to abandon the Lord. Now is the time to cling to Him and His promises more so than at any other time in the past. Now is the time that TRUE Christians show their faith and stand strong in the Lord and in His promises. These are the times that separate the sheep from the goats.
As always, keep looking up, our redemption is drawing nigh!
God bless you.
Chris Schang