
Friday, January 10, 2014

ISON and Salinas Crop Circle

I've said it all along. ISON is a group (PART OF PlanetX System) of piloted objects under God's permissive eye; I am pretty inclined to now believe that the result of ISON will include a False Second Coming and possibly more deceptions (False Rapture?),  and certainly strange sights in the skies to bring about Satan's end times plan - with God, as always, in charge over all, and using evil ones to bring about His Will.

A crop circle that appeared 11 miles southeast of Salinas, California on December 28, 2013 contains three coded messages according to renowned crop circle researcher, Dr Horace Drew. According to Dr Drew, a retired molecular biologist who worked at Caltech and Australia’s CSIRO, one of the coded messages was to be vigilant about an upcoming astronomical event. The next message referred to a date in the near future when an astronomical event is to occur by July 8, 2014. The third and most startling message was that comet ISON was a space transportation system. Taken in their entirety, the three messages appear to be encouraging people to watch the skies for an upcoming astronomical event featuring remnants of ISON that will in fact be an extraterrestrial event of some kind. If genuine and correctly interpreted, the Salinas crop circle is a vindication for those claiming that Comet ISON was no comet at all, but one or more objects under intelligent extraterrestrial control with a specific mission for the inner solar system and Earth.

The December 28, Salinas crop circle attracted widespread attention due to its unusual timing and location. It appeared well after the crop circle season in southern England had concluded, and most crop circle researchers had quietly withdrawn to write summaries of the 2013 summer season. According to an email by crop researcher Paul Jacobs, who began investigating the Salinas crop circle:
No one in the area has made claim to it and the locals had no knowledge of it or its construction. I estimate it would have taken three men working in daylight conditions doing 9-hour shifts for nearly 9 days to complete this pattern. My gut feeling is we have an important event on our hands here.
More tellingly, a security firm was hired by an unknown agency to begin guarding the crop circle on the same day it was discovered. According to Linda Moulton Howe from
On Saturday morning, December 28, 2013, Echelon Security in San Jose, California, was hired by an agency to guard the intricate pattern in the 2 to 3 foot high barley in the Chualar field east of Salinas. This fact was confirmed the afternoon of December 31, 2013, by staff writer Phillip Molnar at the Monterey County Herald.
Howe described an account by Jeff Krause, of how the security firm deployed four security trucks with personnel to keep people out of the crop circle:
I arrived at the site near 7:15 AM Pacific on December 31, 2013. When I got there, four security trucks were parked on the road outside the circle to keep people from going in. They were very adamant about not letting anybody on the field property.
It would be odd for a farmer to hire and pay for four security trucks and personnel to protect a barley field. The clear implication is that an unnamed U.S. agency saw the Salinas crop circle as having national security implications and funded Echelon Securities to keep the public away. So what was the message that the crop circle contained and may have sparked a national security response by an unknown U.S. agency?

The Salinas crop circle had a circular design with a number of complex geometric patterns that appeared to be coded messages. The main breakthrough came when a Braille language interpreter identified some of the crop patterns as being text book characters from the Braille language. The Braille message was quickly interpreted as a series of numbers and letter - (192)-(192)-2-(192)-1-(192)-(192).

According to Dr Drew, when the British search engine is used, the code can be translated as: “The blind will see, and those who seek will find.” If interpreted correctly, the message here was that something will shortly happen that will be so unambiguous, that even die-hard skeptics will see what they previously denied. For others, the upcoming event will be vindication for what they have been seeking.