
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

True Armageddon Is Within

     What happens in the physical world is only a reflection of what happens in the spiritual realm. Truly. The world is in this state by our hands. God gave us a pristine planet, and we have come to this. People ask why there is evil in the world. It's because of us - our sin, our decisions, our lack of righteousness, our lack of responsibility for what God gave us. 

     Each of us has a choice. Many choices. There have been more bad choices than good ones. That's how we got to where we are. That's why the Bible tells us that few will enter through the narrow gate. Few have truly accepted God's offer of a solution: salvation, redemption. If the majority of mankind had accepted the offer, there would be no Armageddon.

     The universal strife we have on earth was prophesied by Christ, that even the members of a man's own house would be at odds with one another in these days, and so it is. And when the fog of war on earth settles, and the wheat has been separated from the chaff, the earth will be renewed to reflect the peace that Christ will bring with him, and that peace will be reflected on earth. Sin and sinners will still be in evidence, but He will rule with a rod of iron, and peace will be the order of the day for 1.000 years, after which judgment will come, followed by the destruction of the earth and evil. God will reign with the righteous - those who have accepted his offer - on a new heaven and a new earth for eternity. God will live with his creation!

     The beginning of a new year would be a perfect time to accept the offer of salvation from Jesus Christ, who was God in human form. God himself was willing to do this for his creation because he loved it that completely. 

     "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16.